Be Proactive Vs. Reactive


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Resolve to focus on the solution and what can be done now, rather than on what happened and who’s to blame.

Think in terms of the actions you can take to resolve the situation rather than what went wrong and who is to blame.

To remain optimistic, look for the good in every situation. When you look for something good, you will always find something good.

Furthermore, while you’re looking for something good, because your conscious mind can hold only one thought at a time , you will automatically become positive, optimistic and back in full control.

Seek the valuable lesson in every problem or difficulty.

Every setback you face contains one or more lessons that have been sent to you to help you be more successful in the future.

The difference between success and failures is simple:

  • Failures feel sorry for themselves when things go wrong,


  • Successful people look for the valuable lesson they can learn that will help them in the future.


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