The Awakening HORROR of reality!


Life in the Awakening is nothing like I thought, oh how I truly am a great dreamer! part of the Aquarian trait, I had an enlightened like evolutionary picture about this big awakening.(I do actually believe this will happen in every fiber of me) I just didn't realize the horrors of being aware was apart of the actual awakening. The fact that in the western world which seriously I feel so out of place in, and have very much admired other cultures, the American Indians are the culture that resonates most with my spirit, I have never been able to understand western civilization nor have I admired anything they have had to offer except Pink Floyd, we literally have no culture, think we are better than the rest and have the right to destroy other country's and cultures,and have no respect for the earth or anything on it. (not all but most) this is why we suffer from addiction, I know exactly what the monkey on ya back feels like. It makes so much noise its hard to shut it up.
I can not blame anyone but myself, I would love to blame those bastards in the Deep State but the fact is there a symptom of a deeper problem, Although I can not excuse there secret rituals, doing unspeakable things. How does a person become that way? It makes me cringe and squirm not to mention making my blood boil to think that western civilization has been taken over by a bunch of Satanists that are so evil, I cant bare it, my soul cry's for the baby's and children that are preyed upon, abused as bad as you could ever think and I bet its worse, so bad there minds split into pieces. Our Governments and I dare say most government businesses are Trafficking children in unspeakable amounts and using them for there perverted fetishes, and torching and sacrificing them to interdenominational beings, right under our noses....HOW DID WE MISS IT? so now western civilization truly is run by the rotted core that the symptom festered into.
I myself want that to stop that's to much, when you are hurting animals and children its time to GO! I have grandchildren I couldn't dream of them in that situation and I need to do my healing from inside so I make it threw what is coming, so violence is not the answer. maybe we should start a sign up group of 1 day a week were a few thousand of us meditate on a certain day certain time get as many to join as possible, We are one we truly are all part of the same consciousness, we have been here many times before now, This though my family this is the test of all tests. I will do a blog on the many prophecy's within next week, Religion is a touchy subject and I think people need to expand there thinking ablt more.

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