On getting Fibre Optic Broad Band installed (in my new house without electricity or water!)

I very probably own the only casa in Portugal that has Fibre Optic Broad Band connected but neither electricity, nor lights, nor water. (*)

I've managed to set this up because I rent the house next door (which does have all of electricity, lights and water (but no hard wired 200MBPS fibre-optic Broad Band) and I've just slung an electric extension cable through the windows....


I was going to get the Broad Band installed in THIS house, but then had second thoughts when the guy turned up with a large drill wanting to drill holes in my rental property to feed the fibre optic cable through....

My intuition told me it was a bad idea to drill a hole in someone else's house - and so I changed my installation address at the last minute to my new house.

I'm glad I did - the hole is pretty obvious and the technician glued the cable to the wall (it ended up looking all nice and tidy).

In retrospect it makes sense doing it this way - EVENTUALLY I'll be moving next door full time, even if it is going to take me a year to renovate the house - I just don't have the liquid cash to do this any faster, and apparently a standing electricity charge isn't that much anyway so I can just get leccy on there and 'seal' both houses rather than having both windows open.

Fun with ladders...

The installation involved the technician climbing right to the top of a three ladder extension at the cable connection point at the bottom of the hill and then more double extension ladder work at my end.

Rather him than me - ladders on uneven surfaces and full-extension, no thanks!

And I've got my own little cable in Penamacor!


The Router works through the wall...

I put the router in the new house up against the wall and it enables me to use my devices HERE as well, just a little slower than if the router was here - I just need to get a long Ethernet cable and run it back to this house for now - my printer wont' pick up the signal which is a pain, and when my T.V. arrives I think need that here too for now as well!

Better value than my previous set up...

I decided to get a MEO Broad Band package because I was paying around 70 EU anyway for three separate SIMS - for data on my land, phone number and regular data.

My land only picks up MEO, not NOS - Nos does unlimited 4G, MEO doesn't - but I figure with MEO BroadBand and their 50GB mobile add on (the max they offer) I'm good for data - and I get a T.V package for only around 10 EU more than I was paying previously - I can live with 50GB when I've got unlimited at home, I don't use THAT much data!

(*) It is i think an odd quirk of Portugal that you have to get electricity and lights connected separately - the lights run on an entirely different fuse system the electricity. I'm sure in the UK that if you have leccy, you have lights! (Of course I could just use lamps in the meantime).

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