Martin's Life Chapter Four Day Five

Have you ever woken up in panic, because it was super late and you needed to start the day?

Well, that is how Day Three started for me... but then I found out I looked at the watch wrong and it was super early. No worries, though I just took my icy shower and the song in my head changed from "Don't wake me up" (by Chris Brown) to "I'm wide awake" (by Katy Parry). The rest of the day was so unearthly boring that I decided I need to get a weekend job, because all I really did was either study or stress about me not studying.

Day Four began in my car. I drove out to a farm where I want to get this "Weekend job". The farmer was not there and asked me over the phone to wait an hour, because he would like to meet me. So I waited an hour... and then 40 minutes more! At last he showed up and we had a pleasant chat which ended up in me having to come back on Friday for final arrangements. The rest of the day was surfing the web, in the gym or studying.

Day Five is where I gave up on studying. I started watching series and read books(actually only "Touchstone" by Andrea K. Höst which my school friend Nadja gave me, but I am counting comic books as books as well that is why I used plural form). I was basically killing time on fun ways. But like they said in "Gone" by Micheal Grant: If (you) keep on killing time, time will kill (you). Therefore I kill as little time as possible and from tomorrow forward I am going to force my life into gear.

If I look at all my plans for the future I am confident that I will become the man I want to be and leave the boy I have to be behind. I would like to keep you all updated on this.

To every body who was actually interested enough to read this: Thank you and good day!

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