TOP 10 QUOTES [Confucius]

Hi Steemit Friends, I present the 7 top quotes from Confucius :


10 : Demand a lot of yourself and expect little from others. So much trouble will be spared you.

09 : Choose a job that you like and you will not have to work a single day of your life.

08 : Three kinds of friends are useful, three kinds of friends are harmful. The useful ones: a straight friend, a faithful friend, a
cultivated friend. The evil: a false friend, a soft friend, a talkative friend.

07 : Nature makes men alike, life makes them different.

06 : Act with kindness, but do not expect recognition.

05 : When you bump your head against a pot and it sounds hollow, it is not necessarily the pot that is empty.

04 : Under a good government, poverty is a shame; under a bad government, wealth is also a shame.

03 : I do not seek to know the answers, I try to understand the questions.

02 : Our greatest glory is not to fall, but to know how to rise every time we fall.

01 : No stone can be polished without friction, no man can perfect his experience without trial.


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