Now What? - Your Past Doesn't Worth SHIT!

What's up gang?

One of my favorite expression, question is "Now What?". This little 2-word phrase can send a person to a spiral of fear, self-loathing and anticipatory anxiety. And since I am who I am, I like to see people suffer that way, because it's good for them.


People Will Talk About The Past Like It Defines Them. Their Wins Are "Enough" For Their Whole Lives And Their Failures Are "Responsible" For Their Current Misery

If you talk with a person for like 10 seconds, they will immediately complain or brag about something stupid.

"When I was your age I could bench 100 kgs for 8 reps"

Nobody cares, fuck off (still weak numbers though)

"If I didn't have that knee injury, I'd have been a professional football player"

Shut the fuck up. You wouldn't.

"Hey, when I was in high-school..."

Gtfo my face, you premature peaked loser

See, I am polite. Because the real answer to these statements are: Now what?, So what?

Western civillization has an obsession with the past. They think you need to KNOW your past to go forward. And I agree to some deegre. You need to be aware of past mistakes and correct them. You need to know yourself and your past identity in order to grow.

What you shouldn't do is use your past as an excuse for the fact that you have ZERO potential right now. What have you done in the last year or so? Actually, what's happening with your life RIGHT NOW?

Oh, nothing? Of course. It's easier to be a victim or a virtue signalling cuck.

This is not tough love. I don't really care about you. It is what it is. I am just stating what I see.

"Now what?.

Powerful. It forces you to consider what's important and what really mattered in the end. What's to come? Am I doing a good job of harnessing my potential or I am resting on my laurens?

If you don't grow, you're regressing. Crusing isn't really a thing, unless you're doing steroids.


The Question You Should Be Asking Yourself Is: "What Can I Do Now?"

What's missing? How I see myself in 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years down the road? These are questions that can be quite difficult to answer AND require immense courage, IF you want to be honest with yourself.

Does that mean you get obsessed about the future? Nah. But the future is the only reality that matters in the end, so the majority of your focus should be towards that.

What Can You Do With The Rest Of Your Life?

Fuck the past. It doesn't exist anymore. You have ZERO obligation to think about your past mistakes, fuck-ups or whatever idiotic thing you did. You are a NEW MAN. Go forth.

-The Steemit Bully, Thatredbeardguy

P.S- Do You Think I Am Too Harsh With People? If You Do, Please Don't Read Me. For The Rest Of You, You Have Homework:

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Why No One Loves You

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