Be A Douchebag, Not A Follower

Now, is that the best title or what?

It's not a riddle. It's straightforward.

Obviously, I am not talking about being a douchebag, but people saying "you are a douchebang".


Do What YOU Want

This is the number one fucking rule you should follow in your life. It should be in the back of your mind at all times.

That way you will never have regrets, even if the outcome of your actions wasn't the one you expected.

This rule means that you don't care about the judgement of other boring people. I was thinking of another title for this post. "Be a hypocrite". People avoid doing stuff that may cause other people to label them as hypocrites. They have a goal to appeal to everyone.

And that fucks with their decision making process. They factor in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE before they act. What a disgusting existence. The "nice" guys.

The beauty of doing what you want is that it'll ALWAYS be the right decision no matter what. Even if you failed or your decisions didn't lead to positive results, you still stood up and didn't betray yourself.

Let me give you an example: You have a fight with your gf. After the fight, your group tells you that you were harsh and you should say sorry and that as a girl she's justified to be emotional. What would you do?

You say "Fuck you" and do whatever YOU had decided to do beforehand. "Oh what a douchebag", many will say.

So what? WHAT?

Why do you care about the opinion of a useless, talking mass of gas and meat? Do they live your life? Do they have to face the consequences of YOUR actions? NO! They don't. Fuck'em.

Be a sucmbag, a douhcebag.

"Hey Redbeardguy, you should have a regular job. It's not safe to do the online thing. You should go work at this company yada yada yada...".

Nope. I don't have to do SHIT you tell me. Come on call me a douchebag for not wanting to hear your lecture.

Do What YOU Want


No matter what. There's simply no other choice. Regard your decisions like going to the super-market and buying stuff.

You craved to eat this specific chocolate fudge ice-cream. You were happy and drooling all over yourself the whole day. You go in and you grab the ice-cream.

"Hey that's not really a tasty ice-cream". Mmkay. Would you give the ice-cream back? NO. Exactly.

Even if you taste that ice-cream and indeed it isn't tasty. Do you regret your decision? No. Because you had already made up your mind beforehand.

Did you get the memo yet?

Do what YOU want

Let them call you a douchebag or a hypocrite for not succumbing to their will. This isn't a free-pass to be an asshole, no.

Don't conflate choice with deliberate misconduct. You may want to smash a bottle on someone's head. You don't do that moron. That's not doing "what you want". I am talking about the choices that affect YOU. Choices that YOU will have to deal with.

To end this, doing what you want might make you a douchebag to other people. That's ok, it shouldn't bother you. Make a decision, stick with it and face the consequences. If you fuck up, you own up to it. You have no excuse about it. No one forced you to do anything, because you do what you want regardless of the outcome.


P.S- Hey there, if you are one of the people who are going to misinterpret everything I said and point out the logical inconsistencies, guess what? You didn't get the memo.


I also have a twitter account. I am not active yet, so go say hi.

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