We act the way we do because of our TEMPERAMENT


At times we get so angry at situations and people (the good thing is that, most of us don't react physical) and I begin to ask myself; if this individual can step out of himself/herself will they be proud of the mess they've made of their life someone else's life?. We can get really disgusted at people's life and decision for all we want, the unfortunate thing is that, they don't even know how deep they've eaten into the other person's life.

So, I been tormented for many years by people's inability to understand that their characters "suck". Fortunately, So a friend came to my rescue with a book!. This book is about "temperaments" and how to manage people and be managed also cause you ain't perfect either.

The writer started off on a quite sensitive note by saying that; what governs our lives is our temperament. The way we think, eat, cleanup our space and so on can simply tell what temperament or blends of temperament we are.

When you understand people's temperaments, life becomes easier and more enjoyable. If you are aware of people's temperament and their weaknesses, it will reduce surprises on your part.

It is important to know that people are not; Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic, Melancholy because of the way they act, but they act the way they do because of their temperament (Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic, Melancholy).

It is easier to relate with friends, colleagues and neighbours when we understand their temperament.

Bad temperaments or weaknesses can be subdued by discipline and with the help of holy spirit. It's so sad when I see people glory in their weaknesses, that's a problem that probably hurts people around you continuously. This is why we must conduct a temperament test to enable us understand the side we are on.

Example of a temperament that had the invention of the Holy Spirit was embedded in the person of Simon Peter. Before the Holy Spirit was sent to the disciples, peter was a blend of Sanguine and Choleric (SanChlor), he would speak before everybody even when it made sense and don't, he was weak-willed with Ego. However, he became a changed man when he disciplined himself and came in contact with the Holy Spirit.

The weak side of our temperament can destroy our relationships with others if we don't subdue it before it subdues us.

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