I'm sorry, mom!

It's that time of the year again.

Ever since I got my first tattoo, the itch hits periodically. Every 6 8 months I need to get under the needle again. I NEED it.
I'm one who, after getting the first one and realized that actually enjoys it, needs no more reason than "want" to get one.
I got tattooes because I was depressed, happy, beacause too much have gone since my last one, becaue an artist I liked was around, because it made sense, becaue it felt right, because I had money or just in the mood.
I never got a "meaning" tattoo. Who cares?

in the making

When people ask me:"what does that "cat" means?!" I'm like...

My every tattoo is a challenge to man's need for meaning. Can we live in a word when nothing has a meaning but just is? That's the question every tattoo asks and every time someone wonders about it, some existentialist cries in pain.

Yeah, I'm an arsehole.

So this one - and I can't show you a photo as I don't like to take photos of my tats - is complementary to my carolina reaper tattoo. It was a play and maybe a tribute to one of my favorite movies: Eastern Promises.


Only the stars is something you can eat. Guess what?
I'm putting 10 sbd bounty on whoever can guess :)

Anyway, every tattoo experience must be, if successful a combination of a lot of things. An introspective meditative session that can reveal something about your current state of mine. A therapy with the best therapist: the needle. A way to punctuate something in your life and move it forward. A complete and utter satisfying self-analysis and a reason for self-actualizing.
A tattoo is something you'll remember in a very visceral way, it's a state of mind, memory on skin. That's why I don't care about the actual drawing, it's about the actual state of mine.

I have mine. See you in Feb for the next one...or maybe a Steemfest-celebration tat? :)

So, do you have and love tattoos? Tell me all about it!

PS: As for the title, my favorite post tat cream is called just that. Highly recommended.

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