Why society is lying to you on a subconscious level

I hate the term society. It's like this big umbrella word that neatly categorises most people in my County, or Country into little pigeon-holes; a huge invisible sway of people judging and forcing us to fit into their own personal categories and rules. I silently gave most friends and family the middle finger a few years back. They told me that to be successful in this world I had to have a family and earn bread for that family by having a job. I hear it countless times from other people in my situation; the utter disrespect they receive when going it alone. If it's something like this, cryptocurrency, and not within the normal parameters of what others perceive as natural and healthy then it's not generally understood. When people don't understand they tend not to try and understand but make it their mission to desperately help you. It's what happened to me. Ridiculed and jeered as I was given the aversion therapy they thought I needed to get back into normal thinking.

Suck it, friends

I loved the day when I showed my mate the first $10,000 I made. It didn't compute, and it wasn't long before we weren't friends anymore. Luckily, I'm left to my own devices now by my family, happy that I'm making it on my own and winning the bread for my own family. Very few understood though, or even wanted to understand what it was that I'm up to. I tell other friends about Crypto currency and the almost zero balance you can walk in with, but alas, it's too intelligent stuff for them, or at least that's what they want to believe (or have been told).

I answered a question for a panicked woman on Quora, once. I like Quora it makes me seem somewhat intelligent. She was worried what people may think of her because she didn't want to have children in her life. It struck me hard, really, that question. My first thought was, who the hell does anyone think they are telling someone that their own personal choice in life is wrong? Who the fuck are they? It set me on a train of thought and I concluded that it was, again, this big over-arching society bullshit. For me the choice should have been up to her, right? Her life and her rules. No-one else’s, no matter how big or small or influential. Society has a way of weeding its way into our thoughts like such. As a man, society tells me that I need to go to college and be successful and work for 'the man' it tells me I need to be Married and have kids and work until I'm half dead. Well, I say fuck society. I'll do it my way.

Schools & Obedience

Schools have it wrong. Schools teach us to be subservient. There are great teachers in this world don't get me wrong; I personally know a few of them, but schools teach obedience and students are rewarded for that obedience. I have, and always will be a leader. That's why School was shit for me. I grew up looking out for the 'big man,' that his ideas and opinions were solid and Godlike, and that I shouldn't question them. My failing in earlier life was always seeking the leader. I was taught to follow, and sometimes like a lemming, before I knew it I was on the rocks with my neck snapped, battered and bloodied from the fall as I punched every rock with my face on the way down. I don't think everyone is a leader though. Some were born to lead, others to follow. It's when you teach everyone to follow is when you have a problem.

I was a leader in sheep’s clothing. I was a man that stumbled through life always thinking that there was something better for me, always thinking that I should be worth something, always thinking there should be a crowd following me. When I would get drunk out of my mind I was always one for making a public exhibition. A leader that's only following is sometimes the hardest burden to bare, and yet, so many of us are that way. You can spot leaders in sheep’s clothing everywhere. Those are the ones you see in McDonalds, and as waiting staff, underperforming, always wondering what else is out there. I'd love to say tag someone you think as a leader here to get the conversation rolling but I feel most of us here are. Perhaps in a few years we might be considered as pioneers of the content revolution, who knows?

Peer pressure = society

Society is pressure. That's all it is. The pressure to fit into some weird zone of normality that no-one really fits into. We all strive for this weird zone. To be better, to look better, to be more fanciable, to be liked, to be loved, to belong. I've wrote constantly how we are far similar than we are different, and part of that I think is to do with the human need to belong, mixed in with our hard-to-grasp consciousness on globalism. We rarely think in terms of humanity. We think of female, or male. Male homosexual, or female cisgender. Black male atheist with gender issues, or Hispanic female Christian with sympathy for Islam. The list goes on. Humanity is one constant though.

I completely reject society. By that I don't mean that I sit holed up in my house with a shotgun quietly whispering to passers-by, "move along now," no. I mean it has no influence on me. I'm not interested in 'keeping up with the Jones’s' if my mate buys himself a well-earned new sports car then fantastic. That's awesome for him. I won't though, my family car fits my needs for now. Try pressure me into anything and watch how badly you fail. My days of trying to fit in and belong are long gone. My next venture will be hiring people, so I'm excited about that!

What about you? What are your thoughts?

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