Is It Just A Cover Up??

Don't Believe Everything You See or Hear!

Could this be Just Another way of getting people to look over there not look over here. We seem to be very good at getting people to not see what is right in front of them. Is it getting close to that time again, Think about it for a second. stock market is suffering, crypto currency's are suffering, the dollar is suffering. Could this be the start of a much needed correction? You can beat that we need something to blame it on. Will the American people be fooled again? chances are this good be the trigger that starts the correction or the collapse. One would have to wonder why we would be concerned with fixing other countries before we fix ours!

Are You Ready For It?

This Could be a Picture of what America Could end up going through, Are we ready for something like this? We can not continue to be aggressive with out another country ending up being aggressive to us. As week and As volatile as America is right now, this would be a loose-loose for everyone involved. The average person is not prepared for something like this to happen. The Leaders and Past leaders have done a very good job and making the average American believe that everything is just fine. Things good go bad very quick in America and this would cause some serious heartache for the Average person.

We Already Riot For Any Reason!

We all ready have a Hard time staying clam. We riot for some of the strangest reason. How do you Think It would be If we where in a War? We would have to worry about each other more than we would the enemy! This is a true sign that we are not ready, we are not right and everything is not fine. So you can be fooled if you want to, but you are not ready for what could happen in our own country. Do you even have more than a Weeks worth of food at your house? what about Money, you think the banks are gonna be open? exactly what are you prepared for? you think the government will make sure you are taken care of?

Here is What You Need To Be Ready For!

sold out grocery stores

Bank Runs, until all available cash has is gone!

Gasoline Shortage or No gas at all

The Rise of Silver and Gold, There will be a shortage when this happens

Still looks fine to you, Every thing still A OK, You have to Wake up and see what is happening. This would not be good for us as a country. Although at this point it is probably unavoidable. So whats left other than to be prepared. The Best Advice I can give anyone is this: Buy Food, enough to last for more than a month, Buy Silver or Gold it is the only thing that is valued the same world wide.

Image source Google.

I am @raybrockman and this is my Free Public announcement!

Thanks for stopping by!


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