Is masturbation good or bad?πŸ€”

Hello friends,I hope You all fine.
Is that right question or not I share with You?because I always find different answer from different person.masturbationmonth.jpg

Masturbation that word relate to Relaxation from sexual feeling which can't be control When we are in mood or in mostly case of virgin in teenage.

I share this topic with you because I am 17 years old teenage and also virgin.When I watch porn or some sexual article I lost my mind and I see only one thing that thing is masturbation.Really my hands are not in my control,just they want Take your Gun in Your Hand and shoot as fast as understand what I want to say.I am not using some that type of words to express my feeling .
But it's not only my problem it's all teenage or many adult problem also who don't get their desire sexual feeling with their mate or partner,also for single person.__.jpg

I do this twice or thrice in week when I am free,When I don't have any study related problem,free from assignment and projects.Because When I am busy in study than I control on my self.So,One day I got curious to know β€œIs masturbation good or bad for health".I search in Google,and I found only benefits,I got happy and full of confidence that I am doing great job.nothing to worry about that.I think you all know masturbation benefits for cardiovascular relief from stress and headache.But after this I searched on YouTube masturbation related video and Find mostly video talks about disadvantage,Like it effect on nervous system,mind and memory power.Most important thing that it create problem like hair fall.This thing happened when you do masturbation twice or Thrice a day.screenshot_2016-01-15_16.45.48.png

So,that's all give a conclusion to me that masturbation is good when you do once or twice in week.
But that's not end.I again heard something new answer from people that masturbation ruin the future married life.Then I am again in doubt that what the correct answer for this question real,because those people said your Gun release bullet in few second or minute.They said it cause many harmfull effect on feeling also.But I think that's good when you do this in control, Because it relief from distraction and do your work without thinking so much about any thing.cover-gkp001_web02.jpg

So,that's my feeling toward masturbation but I am not sure it is good or not,because in this world there is different people with different mentality regarding a single problem.So,I want to say that If body is affected by that thing in negative way then don't do that.

Thanks friend for reading this.

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