The boy who had no choice : A battle with Leukemia


Did you know that 2.2% of all Leukemia patients are below 20 yrs of age.

Hi there, have you ever wondered how it feels like to be sick all the time? That is what Leukemia patients are going through every second of their life.

Last year, I was able to visit kids who have Leukemia and one of them is Mark. As you can see in the picture, we were able to talk to his mom and was able to share the Love of God. And as we were praying for Mark, who was undergoing chemo at that time, I saw his hair falling little by little. My heart broke for him and even though Im not in his place, I know how hard it is for him to have such condition at a very young age. He made me realized how blessed I am to be healthy and can do anything I want in life. This year, I commit in visiting them again despite of heavy school works in line. Its a privilege for me to be able to spend time with them, sharing stories and doing whatever I can to bring smile to their tears of pain. If only I have the power to heal, I love to do so. But I know that it is only God who has the power to overcome. What I can do for them is to share a piece of me through spending time with them. Life is too short for us to waste it, so I encourage everyone to touch one's life in every simple way that we can.

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