Meaning of the Symbol of Aceh Province


The symbol of Naggroe Aceh Darussalam Province is a rectangular shaped square. The symbol is called Pancacita, meaning five ideals. These five ideals are justice, heroism, prosperity, harmony, and prosperity.

Justice is represented by dacin (instrument of scale), heroism is symbolized by rencong, prosperity is represented by rice, cotton, and factory chimney. While the harmony between the dome with the dome of the mosque and prosperity is symbolized by the book and kalam.

Since the formation of the province of Aceh, the symbol has never been replaced.

Arti Lambang Provinsi Aceh

Lambang Provinsi Naggroe Aceh Darussalam berbentuk persegi lima yang berbentuk kopiah. Lambang tersebut dimanakan Pancacita, yang berarti lima cita-cita. Kelima cita-cita tersebut adalah keadilan, Kepahlawanan, kemakmuran, kerukunan, dan kesejahteraan.

Keadilan dilambangan oleh dacin (alat timbangan), kepahlawanan dilambangkan dengan rencong, kemakmuran dilambangkan dengan padi, kapas, dan cerobong pabrik. Sedangkan kerukunan duilambangkan dengan kubah masjid serta kesejahteraan dilambangkan dengan kitab dan kalam.

Semenjak terbentuknya Provinsi Daerah Istemewa Aceh, lambang itu tidak pernah diganti.

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