Your passions may vary


Whenever I hear people talking about what they like to do, they always mention the word "passion" and how they want to figure out what theirs is.

Everyone speaks about passion as being one single thing you have to find in order for your life to become great. Once you find it, your passion will help you change everything. You'll be really good at that particular thing, you'll impress people, you'll be successful and so on.

But this kind of mentality made a bunch of other people think that they don't really have a passion, because they never found one thing they really liked. Some people never found anything to be interested in, while others like too many things.

I'm the second type of person. Whenever I find something I really like I realize really quickly that I also like other things. First, I started learning Photoshop and got into it a lot. Then I discovered video editing and fell in love with it. A little later I was sure that web design was my thing. After a few years, writing was what helped me buy the computer I so much wanted, and I knew that's what I wanted to do. Now I'm really into 3D modelling in Blender.

The fact that I don't like only one particular thing doesn't mean I'm not passionate about what I do. I still work in Photoshop whenever I have to, I still write every day, and I still know the basics of web design, enough to be able to use all kind of features on certain websites without having to spend too much time on Google searching for help.

Liking more than one thing and spending time learning everything is actually not bad at all. Getting really good at something is still a great way for you to achieve whatever you want, but if you're like me, if you get bored of things really fast and if you want to learn new stuff all the time, then that's fine too.

Passion is not about knowing and doing one single thing. Passion is about liking something. Today it may be one thing, tomorrow it may be another. As long as you have fun doing what you do, then everything else doesn't matter.

Right now I love 3D modelling, but in the future I may be interested in something else. Or who knows, maybe I'll find something related to what I do right now and I'll do both at the same time. Maybe that will be game development. If that's the case, then I'll have to learn a programming language as well, like C#.

You don't need to force yourself to like one single thing in order to get what you want. Focus on whatever you like and have fun.

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