Winners always stand alone!!šŸ˜’šŸ˜’

The largest prison in the sky might be the sky. Wherever you run, there is a sky above the head. And the smallest jail is the mind of man. So small that can not be entered. .


The biggest pain is not to be betrayed; The biggest pain is the loneliness pain. He or she betrayed because you are lonely.

There was a scene in the

cast Away movie

so lonely was a lonely man on a secluded island that he saw a football float in the tide and he picked it up. Then he started talking with the stone, making a fictitious man on his face with his eyes on the ball. This loneliness is at the root of all the hardships. The winners are always alone. . . šŸ˜Ž

And the smallest hurts? You get it right now. All of a sudden, it became a day. Nothing in this world can last forever - the earth itself is not.

Thank You all my dear steemians. . Love You all ā™„šŸ’œ āœŒāœŒ

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