Some Important Facts About Materials

Some important facts about materials;
 The quantity of carbon defines the hardness and melting point of any materials
Like if any materials have low carbon, then it will have high melting point and less hardness.
If any materials have high carbon,then it will have more hardness and low melting point.
 Carbon percentage involvement in cast iron is normally 2-4%.
 Cast iron produces in a cupola furnace.
 Wrought iron is made from pig iron usually, the carbon percentage in wrought iron is very low.
 Stainless steel is free from rug because of the mixture of chromium metals in it.
 Brass is an alloy which includes 60% of copper and 40% zinc, bronze is also a similar alloy but it made from 60% copper and 40% zinc.
 Pig iron produces in a blast furnace.
 Mercury is a metal which is in liquid state at room temperature.
 Lithium is the least density metal.
 Osmium is the densest metal.
 Alkali metals such as sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium are extremely reactive elements, just putting them in water can result in an explosion! They are carefully stored in oil to prevent this happening.

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