Relationship and what It entails.

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Goodday Steemians, been long I put something here due to some certain reasons 😎😎. Will be writing on a particular issue I have found myself and not what I was told. Remember I said it in my introductory post that I will be writing mostly on my experience not what I was told. Sit back and read.🤗🤗🤗
Relationship, very rampant among the youth nowadays right? No one will ever tell me they ain't in one. Relationship is the way two or more people react towards each other or connect towards each other and it can also be define as an emotional or sexual feelings towards someone. This can't be overemphasized, relationship actually fall into two categories on my own side, they are;
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  • Friendship Relationship
  • Lovers' Relationship


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This is the type of relationship that exists between two people especially or more than with the aim and purpose of helping each other,having each other back's and setting a goal paraventure.Oh! You saying not all friendship relationships does that right ? True,you might be right.We must have seen a lot of friendship relationships that are so close,that do things together.Lets take a look at some reason why we have friendship relationship.

They call one "Friends with benefit" this particular friendship relationship are of different gender,so close but with the aim of benefitting sexually.When I say this,it ain't an ordinary friendship relationship trust me,we have a lot of people that are actually friends but have another motive entirely apart from being just friends.Some things they do are as follows:

  • Kissing
  • Romance
  • Sex and all sorts of things,I wasn't told but what I have witnessed and wanted to be lure into doing this.
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"Genuine friendship relationship":although no matter how good one is,there will always be a flaw.This type of friendship relationship are very close without a string attached.Either different gender but it's actually rare trust me.
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  Let me use this opportunity to tell I cherish a friendship relationship with different gender to same gender especially with the guys,there are some girls that can't be like guys.We girls have issues let take a look at some advantages of being friends with guys:
  • No gossip,trust me this is rampant among ladies.But with guys say NO!
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  • No issue of snatching boyfriend,girls are so good when it comes to this aspect🤓🤓
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  • No jealousy.
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  • Advice comes from guys especially relating to dating,you know how package is being run and if you a good listener you won't really fall into guys trap ☺☺.
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  • You will hardly fight,if fight with girls are 60% trust me guys will be 20%.
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  • What guys can do,a girl might not because we reason in a quite different way.

    Let's take a look at some same gender especially girls friendship relationship issues:

  • Fight might come up especially if they both have a particular guy they fall in love with,LOL! We have issues.

  • Ladies can gossip actually thereby leading to a fight.


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This is the type that involve two different gender having a feeling for themselves and involving in a love affair.This is very rampant among the youths even the teen will tell you they have a boyfriend as if it's a kind of competition for them.I believe some people in relationships ain't just there,we have different motive,let's take a look at some.

  • some are in a relationship because their friends are there.

  • Some are just there to have a boyfriend for having sake.

  • Some go into a relationship because they need money (mind you not every relationship involves money.)

  • Some are in a relationship because of sex,kiss and romance.

  • Some go into a relationship because they feel bored,lonely,they do not have someone to talk to.

  • Some go into a relationship with the motive of getting married some day.

    Steemians,tell me why are you in a relationship ? Are you there because of some reason listed above ? Are you a player? You have been playing her/him thinking you are a good player? Set a goal when you seem to be in a relationship,do not do things because some friends are doing it.Fingers are not equal.
    Thanks for reading 😘😘.

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