21 Pictures From My Private Family Birthday, Epic Party Pics Still To Come!

So according to galactic alignment and official records this body has now been on this earth for 35 years.

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Honestly I am not one for celebrating my birthday and haven't in a VERY long time. In fact some of my most uncomfortable memories are of being at a restaurant for my birthday as a kid and having the waiters/watireses from the returnt bring me cake and sing to me. It was truly AWFUL!


If fact as a kid/teenager I was TERRIFIED of more than one person at a time looking at me ESPECIALLY strangers. Suffice to say I never really had birthday parties or got birthday cake at a restaurant again.

(now its all in house as almost all things I do, so that it lives up to my "code")

Now while I have come a long way in the crippling shy department, I am still not one for celebrating my birthday, but @truelovelives loves to throw parties, make feasts and celebrate so I indulged her. Here are some photos of the feast!





In this post I am going to share the photos from my private family birthday and in the next couple posts I will share the photos from the EPIC party that @truelovelives and the community spent DAYS preparing for.


Not only is all the food cooked on a wood burning stove fueled with salvaged/saved/trash wood but my 4 year old @noki-power is helping prepare the feast for over an hour!




Family is the thing that is most important to me in my life right up there with my conviction to ideals. Thankfully not only the private party but the EPIC party with friends invited was according to those standards.

@qiqi-power and @noki-power spent MANY hours "secretly" making me birthday gifts...


I asked for ZERO gifts of course and have not done so since I was about 10 years old. I also didn't ask for any special foods. However because people in my life love me they made me sustainable gifts and a sustainable feast according to my standards/ideals!









I truly love the Steem Blockchain and so of course want to share all of this with you. I will be sharing soon the photos from the party which was really quite an extraordinary event!

I am now doing 50/50 payout posts because SBD is overvalued ATM but I will continue to power up 100% of my earnings to keep my perfect record of powering up 100% of every single steem I have ever earned so as to show my confidence/support and INCREASE** the value of $teem for us ALL!

I appreciate your support and am grateful to be here on Steemit. I welcome any feedback you have to offer, and if you felt this post contained valuable content please give an up vote!

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