Just the Two of Us...

Last night was a rough night. It was freezing. I know you folks in the east coast don't think that we, in California, know what freezing is and that is true. But anything under 40 degrees is cold. It was so cold, I could not sleep. I actually was using pillow as covers to keep warm and turned on the heater (the one that usually blows a fuse) just to prevent me from dying of exposure.

But that was not the problem. The problem is my girlfriend, Josie. She managed to take all three blankets, two pillows and the exact center of the bed. I was practically falling off the edge. She has a very slight frame yet, like a cat, she managed to take over the entire bed.

This made me think about the changes in my life I would need to make in order to live with another person. For a few years, I have been by myself. This has made me a tad self-centered. Now I am with someone who has three children (they are great but tough) and I need to be accepting of all four and their idiosyncrasies. The cherry on top is that they are all women and her kids are all teenagers (Ugh!).

So, outside of losing all access and control of the bed, what else have I needed to change and accept? Let's go through the list.

Awkward Silences Suck Until She Starts Talking

Josie gets moody. It could be because of PMS, I did something wrong, she had a bad day or the planets align in the southern hemisphere. It doesn't matter. Since I am a talker, you know that I get very insecure when she stops talking. I used to press her, trying to get her to tell me what it wrong. She will just give me a guttural grunt and I know just to leave her alone.

On the other hand, she can talk like a champ. When she is in a good mood, she will not stop. No matter what. While I am studying or reading, watching television, at the movies, church, funerals, during my prostate exams, anywhere. One thing (in case she is reading this), I like it better than the silent treatment.

I Would Have Never Seen That

Women like different types of movies. I got stuck watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Notebook and Hitch, pure "chick flicks". Now, I would like to say that watching movies that I would not normally watch (even "chick flicks") are actually expanding my cultural perspective.

I'd like to say that. But I can't (Ugh!).

These movies are all the same and kill me (I'll be reviewing one soon). The humor is thin and obvious, the men are wimps and the stories are all the same. But I love her, she loves horror movies (which I love) and she "tolerates" movies that are awesome (she went to see the new Star Wars with me).

Seems like a war i shouldn't fight.

Beam Me Up, Scotty

They say if "Star Trek" had the modern smart phone, it would have taken a lot longer to explore the galaxy (the intro said they were on a "five year mission", if you aren't a Trekkie). Smart phones are not the best thing for a relationship.

I get texted at the worst time and she won't answer me when I desire an answer. She freaks out when I text someone and I freak out when she texts someone. We both play games and bitch at each other when we are playing for too long.

I know she is playing me half the time. And I am playing her too. I am beginning to realize things are not that bad. It kind of makes things a little spicy.


The was a book released in 1992 called Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. I never read this book (because it would have bored me). I think I probably would have helped my relationship (and my blood pressure) if I had because maybe I would understand the difference between us.

But, until I do, I am just going to have to live and learn.

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