
How to save a relationship after years of meeting with someone? They say love keeps the first two or three years, and then remains just family life.

There is also a view that life, and monotony kills the feeling. Lose understanding and good feelings easily, save hard. But we are responsible for those who tamed, so read the article and keep in the family a positive attitude and a love.

  1. Respect your mate

Never show disrespect to your spouse. Maybe he/she's wrong about something, perhaps do not understand some area of knowledge. But don't show irritation or disrespect. Explain to the person why he is wrong, if this is true. Don't get personal. The conversation should be based on diplomacy and a healthy sense of humor. If you treat your partner with respect, and all the scandals perceive with humor and kindness, even the most troubled person will understand that you love him, and cease to interfere.

  1. Help each other

If you see that your wife came back from work tired, and can't cook to eat, or to wipe the dust off the shelves, no need to shout at her and call lazy. Do not say that cooking is not a man's job, and other such nonsense. Just help her. Don't turn this into my job, just sometimes helps her husband in his household duties. If your spouse is sick or he/she depression, be sure to support him morally, feed the candy, and watch a good Comedy.

  1. Watch movies together

Select for viewing movies that you like both. Should not be a situation like the one when the husband wants to see action movie with Jet Li and wife Russian soap Opera about another Cinderella. Find a compromise — some fantasy series with elements of soap and Thriller. Watching movies together, sitting or laying in bed, discussing the characters and plot linii bring people together.

  1. Say goodbye to each other before the door to work and meet

If you go to work at different times, take the trouble to rise from the sofa to escort his mate to the door and wish good day. Similarly, in the evening, if you can hear what your partner came home from work, step forward, kiss him/her, and ask how you're doing.

  1. Do not turn sex into a routine

Don't turn sex into an obligation. Engage them only when you really want to. Watching porn together, to awaken your imagination. Just kiss more often. If you see that your partner responds to your kisses and transition smoothly to sex. Don't turn away from the partner immediately after sex, trying to sleep. Pet him, tell compliments, hug your sweetheart, and then with a clear conscience can sleep.

  1. Get out into nature

When I have time — get out into nature. Nothing can better unite the family than going for mushrooms, or trekking in the mountains. Instead of aimless seat at home, and boring routine, take weekend trips out of town, or vacation in the country.

  1. Don't talk about your spouse bad

Never talk about your partner is bad. No one — not his friends, not his children, not anyone. If you don't like something in this man, and this can be changed, it is better to talk with your partner personally. For example, if the husband smokes, you don't like it, just explain to him that Smoking is a psychological disorder weak people trying to behave like all the herd instinct. Take care of yourself so that your partner feel that you are the same person as before. If you always go out in costume and go house unshaven and in shorts, think about what has changed. Why would you now not to look good in front of your loved one?

  1. Remember — it's your choice

Never forget that your spouse is your choice. If you chose this person to spend your life with, please maintain a relationship, and not to look for in a man self-imposed shortcomings. To start a relationship is not so easy, but to maintain them also need to try. Get it together.

  1. Make each other little surprises

Give your spouse something he wants. Unexpectedly. For no reason. If Finance is not a lot, just buy a chocolate bar, or skewer with a beer. Invite mutual friends. Cook his favorite dish. Get the kitten. Change, in the end.

  1. More petting

Just more kiss, caress each other, hug, hold the hand, look into her eyes. Remember all the best moments of your romance and create new moments like this. It's your mate that you want to love, honor and cherish.

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