Becoming a mama


Hello my little rain drops πŸ‘‹

I know it has been forever since I posted anything on here. And I am so sorry about that, but I have some very big news to share with everyone.

I suppose you can tell by the title and cover picture where this is headed, but I'm just gonna tell you anyway 😱.


this year had been such a rolercoster ride and honastly I still cant believe it. It still feels like a dream that I'm just waiting to wake up from. Luckily though I haven't woken up yet and I am now 20 weeks and 5 days along with our little treasure


This was not at all planned and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared out of my mind, but luckily I have an amazing support system and an amazing fiancè by my side.


I'm due on December 8th and I could not me happier about my due date. It falls on my mom's birthday who passed away when I was 14 in 2010. Now I know they don't always show up on their due date but I'm still pretty happy about it.

I've also been using the Ovia pregnancy app to keep track of our little one's groth and right now baby is about the size of a Axolotl.

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I've been lucky enough to go through this pregnancy with out any morning sickness or throwing up, but I defiantly feel very tired and I am practically living on the toilet πŸ˜‚. The little one has also been kicking away but daddy still says he feels nothing 😒 hopefully he will soon.

I'm planing on turing this page into my mommy blog so if you wanna follow on our journey please go ahead and give me a follow. Thank you so much for reading my post and if you enjoyed it show some love and give it an upvote also don't forget to share it wih your friends ❀.





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