Small World!!!

Sure we're all familiar with this term...and we've all had it occur to us too

So here it goes...

Some time in the not so distant past I set out to make my home a better place to live in.

I decided to get some new piece of furniture to beautify my living space. I went to get a truck a kick ass truck.._ yep!!! You heard me right. This truck literally kicks ass.

On my way home after picking up the furniture. There is traffic a usual and every one is in the regular hustle and bustle rushing home.
I and this black Toyota Camry are side by side and BOOM!!!! The collision occurs…Not what you were thinking though…it was just a little dent to the Camry's bumper. *(microscopically little)

Next thing you know the guy is all fire and brimstone. "Your gonna pay for this. There is no way in hell I'm gonna let you walk" he says in a very high tone. Also, his wife is sitting by the passenger side and she's like "please just talk to him so you can sort it out" because apparently they're on their way from out of town and they are real tired.

I try to calm him down explaining to him that it was just a little incy-wincy dent and its something that can be sorted out. But that wasn't enough to quench the fire in his other road users come to pacify the situation and after about thirty minutes of this short movie. I walk over to him, put my hand on his shoulder, and say "oga please no vex, let's just call it a day and we can all go home _ and what do you know? That was the chink in the armor.

So, I head home with my furniture, place it at the sweetest spot in the living room, grab some cold water and a box of cream crackers and reminisce on the whole day. _

Also, my woman comes home to see the furniture and suggest another position to put it and i'm like "whoahhhh!!! not bad at all" _

……… continues…

On another day, I'm driving home and boom!! I see this same man I had and encounter with a while back walking with his friend. I flag him down because I see he recognizes the car, I pull over and signal him over, I introduce myself and he is like yeah!!!! I remember!!

I ask him where he's headed and turns out we're headed in the same I ask he and his friend to hop in and we engage in a very lengthy conversation and we become friends.
Though, that was all but I know when I see him again some time in the future we won't have that car incident memory in our minds. We'd be registered as friends and who knows where that will lead us _

Moral of the story…Enjoy _

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