Life Purpose, Death and Dostoievski

I believe in life after death in a spiritual manner and I believe we come on this Earth with a purpose. For some is celebration, for some is knowledge, for some is saving others, for some is healing, while for others is redemption. Each of us is unique and sees life in a different perspective.


Personally, I feel I came on this Earth to enjoy life and to make my best dance out of it, bringing lots of positive energy all around and trying to change the world is going because I really love Planet Earth and I would love my kids and their kids to enjoy it as much as I do. With its rivers and forests and magic animals. But while saving the Planet, we should not enjoy to be fully happy and to enjoy that we are here. It is such a bless to be here! On planet Earth! And for me especially, to be in a warm house (i actually live in a caravan), to have a shelter, amazing food and friends and not to be a refugee or live in a conflict zone.

Most of us, forget so much the basics, the luck we were blessed with that we tent to see only the small things that annoy us so we tent to complain all the time, or most of it. Me included!


Anyway, I become more and more aware that life here is limited and every day is a blessing. If a while ago I was watching the wrinkles of the ladies and thinking OH NOOOOO, so UGLYYY. OH, NOOOO, loook at this crazy ooold laaady! all the judgment coming from the fear of going old, of course... now i just see the old people as the luckiest people! They had the luck to spend so much time on Planet Earth! Comparing to others that die in accidents while very young and with the promising future ahead...

Anyway, I did my traveling part for some years, I did my inner journeys, I did lots of crazy things. But one thing is on my TO DO LIST before I die, which is to read Dostoievski! To get to know this great mind that is such an important mark in human history! I don't know what got me, but I am thinking so often on this. Only that the book is almost 900 pages... And then, I guess I am afraid that I might die if I read it, being the THING to do before...


One fine morning, when my day is over, I will fly away home.

I am gonna try an experiment and ask a question by the raw curiosity to see who made it until the end of the list: I am gonna ask you: how often do you think of DEATH and how do you see it?

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