Why are Christians Evil?


Now before some Christians get triggered here with this provoking title, I want to make a disclaimer:


Okay so this is not a generalization on all Christians, but I have observed a pattern that simply just can't be ignored. I grew up in a semi-religious environment and came across many Christians over my lifetime. And I have observed this pattern stunningly on over 6 people at least from what I can remember, different age groups, different gender, different nationalities and cultures and different professions, however 1 thing was common in all of them, they were all Bible believing Christians.

So even though I am not generalizing here, this is just a way too screaming pattern that can't be ignored, so let's see if there is a connection.

Perhaps I was just unlucky and I found myself surrounded by assholes, regardless of their religion, but I don't think it's totally accurate to dismiss this as well.

Horrible Christian Personalities

This is a very irritating phenomena. I have never seen a Christian apologize and they have always done something bad. I have experienced multiple cases where people did bad things to me or I saw people do bad thing to eachother. I never heard or saw them apologize. Almost never.

I am not a religious person per se, I do have my philosophical views on nature and reality, but I do have the integrity and moral qualities that when I think I did something wrong I do apologize. I have no narcissistic tendencies to, perhaps only a little which goes with the business, but I can apologize if it is the case.

Now I know multiple cases where I have experienced Christians doing bad or rude or outright horrible things, and they never apologized.


At my wife's sister's kid's baptism ceremony (they are Catholics) there was a couple (also Catholics) who made a mess there, since they had a feud with my wife's sister (something about that she may have said something bad about their kid, which was a totally false allegation made up by another scumbag, and unrelated incident) and made a scene there, broke some plates and left. Of course later it was discovered that my wife's sister was not guilty of anything and never said those things. They never apologized, and they never paid for the damages. I guess Jesus just forgives it.


There was a kid in the neighborhood (30 years ago) who stole my soccer ball twice. He was raised in a proud Evangelical family. My father went over once to talk about this issue but their parents denied the allegations. I guess Jesus forgives theft too.


There was a scumbag at my real estate job, who was just a total dictionary definition of a scumbag. He wore "I ♥ Jesus" bracelets like some freak. I mean imagine a 40 year old guy wearing a bracelet like that like if it were like a 14 year old girl wearing a bracelet about their favorite boy band. Needless to say, he was a total scumbag. I mean he would literally start eating from your food in the cafee, he was an overweight dude. He would always ask you for a quick loan, he would borrow 100-200 EUR from people and of course never pay it back, and deny the allegations whenever he was confronted. I was just waiting for him to get fired since a lot of people hated him, but the boss saw some talent in him (probably a typical stereotype for an estate guy) that was worth more to him than the satisfaction of my colleagues. He went regularly to church every Sunday, here is your rolemodel Christian.


The teacher that beat me (physical violence against a ~10 year old kid) had a cross necklace in her neck (not sure if she was practicing, although it's common in Christian circles to spank or beat kids). I guess Jesus forgives that.


The previous boyfriend of my wife was a Christian, who got nice sexy cross tatoo on his back together with some Bible verses tatooed on his ribs. No he wasn't a gangster, he was actually just a hippy Christian. He beat my wife once, not that badly, it was 2 slaps according to her, but I think she was downplaying it, so I went over to him (by then we were together, but this fucker was constantly phoning him [interestingly this was the only guy that actually did apologize, not that it counts]) and almost a fight broke out between us but the fucker lived with his sister who was at home, so that saved his pretty face from my fist. We never heard from him again, thankfully, however when she left him and moved out from their apartment (they were living in 3 there) some of her clothes remained there together with some of her stuff. We were expecting to get them mailed to us, but they never came. She tried phoning the guy's sister who was accidentally my wife's best friend until then, and she received a very harsh yelling from the women. My wife had her biggest disappointment, not just she lost her boyfriend but also her best friend, by then we were together, we got together about 2 weeks after the violent incident and before this fiasco. Of course we could have gone the legal way to recover the possessions but my wife said that forget it, what stays there stays there, and that is how she ended this chapter of her life and fell in love with me. I can't say I am too disappointed, I got the women that I love in the end, but I also can't forgive this fucker what he did. My wife told me that she met his parents and they were religious, raising this boyfriend in a religious household as well. What a coincidence, I guess Jesus forgives his aggression and theft as well.


My brother's first girlfriend promised her virginity to him. Of course I don't want to enter into women's issues here and I don't want to blame it on my brother or his naivity or whatever. My bro is a fine guy, but he was very naive with women, let's face it. So this girl, a Christian, who according to Christian ethics, abstain themselves from sex until marriage. My brother was a little bit religious, but not that much, however he believed her and he was very much in love with her, simply he was just charmed by this girl. After being with the girl about 1 year, still not getting any pussy of course, but they dated a lot, went to movies, parties, she even invited him to his house, but not for sex, nope, to bake cookies together. Oh my God it's totally ridiculous, but it is really this unfortunate, and couldn't believe him and he'd probably kill me if he'd know that I revealed it here, but oh well. It turns out the girl was actually having sex with other guys in that 1 year while they were together, her best friend blew the whistle on her because she couldn't take it anymore to see my poor brother being used that much, and not that she wasn't a virgin, but she actually had sex with at least 15 guys by that time. Now this is just horrible, but it's true. So he wasn't getting any pussy, but others did. Now how the fuck could have this happened? Was my brother blind, had he not seen any red flags? I guess the first red flag was that she ignored him in school, they were colleagues in the class next door, but she was constantly flirting with other guys. Now I did went to the same school, but I was younger so we weren't in the same session, otherwise I would have slapped my bro in the face for not seeing the obvious crap that she put out. I guess my bro was more of the shy type, whereas I had more "girl" experience by then to put it in the term. But just for not seeing those red flags, I really felt sorry for him, this experience totally changed him, he was betrayed to such a deep level that he has became stoic since then. I guess this helped his financial career, but still it's such a deep shame. So what the hell happened exactly to "abstenance till marriage" and I don't know if her parents knew? Who cares basically, this is one of the scummiest behavior that I saw in a woman in my entire life. If she doesn't want to be with my brother, just say it upfront and leave him, but to betray and use him to this degree is very shameful for a woman. It's disgusting. No apology of course, they never spoke after.

So there you have it, 6 different instances of absolutely scummy and despicable behavior, both women and men, all age groups (I also know about old religious people who were scummy), different religious branches, and different professions. All sharing the same scummy behavior.

That is just what I can remember right now, but I am sure if I think harder I will remember other instances as well.

I thought Christianity promotes virtue, honesty, kindness, love, and self-instrospection, generosity, but I mostly saw the opposite characteristics from the people I came across.

  • The guys at the ceremony and the kid who stole my soccer ball including their parents were greedy, not to mention my scummy colleague who was literally a petty thief
  • The ex boyfriend was a filthy scumbag, an aggressive alcoholic scum who probably went every Sunday to church to ask for forgiveness, yet he still didn’t changed his behavior
  • The violent school teacher had no kindness in her and she was very despicable in general
  • And the ex girlfriend, she just became the new definition to the word “scum”, absolutely despicable behavior, total betrayal of trust and using and humiliating a person to the maximum, truly psychopathic behavior

So forgive me if I am rude but how exactly is this kindness and generosity manifested, when I have never experienced anything of the sorts from any Christian person I came across.

And I really don’t want this article to sound like a Christian-bashing one, but really it looks to me like religion is only a pretense, and the fact that Christianity has really devolved into megachurches that have no substance, and people who literally ignore every commandment from the 10 Commandments, including just absolutely selfish and despicable behavior, posing themselves as Christians.

In fact, they can just sin every time they can get, and then ask for forgiveness from Jesus every Sunday, but of course never apologize to the actual victim, much less to try to make up for the wrongdoing.

It’s a really big scam if you think about it, they are now saying that you can enter into Heaven just by asking for forgiveness. So what would stop scumbags like mentioned above to just continue their scummy behavior, never repent, and just ask for forgiveness every now and then to wipe the slate clean.

It’s ironic, but this is exactly what I am observing. It’s almost like to the level of the Catholics selling Indulgence for Money in the past. Don’t worry you can sin all you want, can be the biggest scumbag of the Earth, just make sure you donate to the Church and then you will guaranteed get into Heaven. Yes it’s a massive corruption.

I think good Christians have to step up and get rid of this corruption in their religion.


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