
Hello to the wold of Steem, let me introduce myself.

I am Prime Suspect, one of the hackers associated with Mendax in the late 1980s. For those who do not know, Mendax was Julian Assange's hacker name back then and the only name I knew him by at that time. It was Mendax that asked Trax to introduce us, it was about 3 weeks before his 17th birthday as I recall. I was a decade older, they refered to me as "the Old One" initally before I adopted the hacker name of "Prime Suspect" in 1989.

I will be posting a lot of documents/emails/letters collected over the last few decades, thousands of pages. These will be about everything that has happened to me and my life generally, plus things I have uncovered. There will be many documents that mearly show the extent governmet has gone to cover things up, lots of FOI requests to which documents were never supplied (just lots of stalling and deflections) over several years. Some documents were taken into possesion by the Prime Minister, or one of his Ministers, so as to make them exempt under the FOI Act.
And I will be filling in the background story of who I am and the things I have done.

Unfortunately I actually failed English at school so writing this will be very difficult for me and may make this confusing until it is finished, sorry. I had a job arranged nearly 3 years before I left High School and english was not a prerequsite for the TAFE course, so after discussion with my English teacher and headmaster I was simply given an automatic C- without actually doing the Enlish lessons and allowed to do other subjects homework during English lessons. The deal was that I ceased causing trouble during class :)

My collection of documents are not sorted so they will be posted as they come out of the box, so to speak, and some boxes are buried deep so some will not be posted quickly. I will try to keep redactions to a bare minimum and anything redacted will be linked to unredacted, encrypted originals where possible. Any redactions will only be for legal, privacy or to protect the innocent reasons. I may be moving home soon which will also slow progress posting and some documents are already packed in anticipation therefore difficult to access.

On other social media my posts just stopped getting followers, likes or comments, very likely I was "shadow blocked", so here I am. I had almost given up on social media but I have to thank The DarkOverlord for giving Steemit the publicity, or I may have not found Steemit.

I dont believe anything I intent to post is illegal or classified, most is publicly available (if you know what to look for and where) or my personal information which I am free to share (or should be, free speach and all).

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