This year I resolve to do...Nothing??

Resolving to do nothing can actually lead us to accomplishing more of what is really important to us! So forget all the New Year's resolutions (most of which, fess up, are already forgotten or broken already, right?) and lets look at really works to make our life rock for 2018.

First, decide what it is that is really important to you, and then become more of it in your life this year.

I cannot stress this enough because most people do not know what they want and so really weird stuff keeps happening to them that they know they do NOT like... but they keep getting more of! Like dieting and getting fatter, or wanting romance but keep breaking up, sometimes what we get out of life is the polar opposite of what we say we want.

Here's the secret: The universe we live in is a YES universe and it gives us the things that we concentrate the most on, not the things we say we want but never really think about. This is the Law of Attraction in action.

Did you catch the distinction? It is not about what we say we want but what we are constantly thinking about and being in our lives that attracts more of the same to us. So..., in order to become more fit, we never focus on how fat and out of shape we are. If we want loving relationships, the last thing we want is to obsess over how bad our current relationship is. Why? Because the universe will give you more of whatever you are focusing the most on.

Do this little exercise with me: Think of 10 habits of yours that really irritate you. Now think of ten traits you really admire about yourself. Which was easier to do? For most people it was picking out the negative. The reason for this is because of what I call a deficit mentality. We are taught from infancy to focus on what is wrong and fix it, and it is very effective in some cases, like fixing something that is broken (car, arm, computer, etc). As a life paradigm it really sucks, however, because we always get more of what we focus on. Want more broken things and scarcity in your life? Just keep having a deficit mentality. If you don't, and since you have read this far I am pretty certain you want something better, let's look at the opposite paradigm, the abundance mentality.

Second step, embrace the abundance that is in your life, right now!

I have written some posts about a model of abundant living I developed called the Three Pillars. In brief, the First Pillar is to let go of what you cannot control, the Second Pillar is that happiness only exists here and now, and the Third Pillar is we get more of what we focus on, so choose what you focus on wisely. An abundance mentality embraces all three pillars and gives a foundation of gratitude to build upon.

The First Pillar of letting go of what we cannot control is crucial to the abundance mentality. When we refuse to focus on what we cannot control and let it go, that in itself eliminates so much of what is negative in our lives, and in turn allows us to turn our energy and attention to what is well in our lives, right now. Happiness is now. When we turn from the darkness in our life and focus on the light we already possess, the universe cannot help but give us more light-bearing gifts:-) So the last step is:

Third: Focus on the light that is already in your life as the one sure way to get more of that light and love this year:-)

There are no real shortcuts around this. We can fool others, and even ourselves, by the words we use to express our wants and putative desires, but the universe knows what we really are, and gives us more of it. The one thing we can truly control is what we choose to focus our thoughts on, and as it turns out, what truly controls what we receive in this life is our thoughts. We are what we most think about, because our thoughts are our self-created reality. There is only one thing to watch out for as we focus on the lovely, light-filled abundance of our lives and invite the universe to bring more light and love into our lives.

The killer of light and enemy of love is a self-imposed demon called Expectations.

Whenever we invite the universe to bring us light and love, we should never, ever expect anything specific to happen. Change will definitely happen! But specific expectations are comparisons of a future occurrence with a present want. They poison happiness now with future fear of deficit thinking and the bitter taste of past disappointments. Expectations as a rule are something we cannot have unless it is we can fully control the outcome. I will write another post dealing just with expectations but suffice it to say that if you break this rule it will not end well.

Acceptance and gratitude are the antidote to expectations and a deficit mentality. So use them to let go of what you cannot control; enjoy the happiness, light, and love that is in your life Right Now; and focus on being what you want more of.

Don't just make a list this year: Be your list.


As always images are from Google and should have links/credits imbedded in the image. If you like my work, please upvote, resteem, and leave comments...especially leave comments! I would love to continue our conversation:-)

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