A rude awakening. yes a rude awaking when cyclones takes your people away.


hey vardha(cyclone) go away, don't come again.

Heres a pic I clicked on the beach while it was thundering recently.
Every time it rains I think of the vardha cyclone, that hit the costs of Chennai ( Capital of the Indian state Tamilnadu)
filled the city with water.
Washed the huts of the poor,
Houses of the rich too.
Dogs Died on the streets,
homeless & passersby too.
On the day of the cyclone I was out there,
I saw the faces,
I felt the pain.
I travelled home, 40 miles away.
Some by foot,
Some I hitch hiked
and most by the grace of public transport.
No cab wanted to ride anyone home.
all alone I was on the dark streets.
I was by the cost returning home after work.
walking on the opposite direction of the wind,
was I climbing Everest,
I asked my self as the wind blew me away so hard,
increasing the difficulty to even stand.
There was sadness spread across the city.
where ever I went, sad faces.
crying faces, what a sad, sad world today.
this was man made they say.
of course it is when you build on dried river lands.
loss of the near ones,
why did this happen to me.
why did I happen to see this painful moment.
seeking to relieve this pain.
a pain thats going to remain.
This tragedy made Chennai one.
The youth came together,
One of them my friend who came to help,
my brother lost his life trying to help.
Chennai recovered very soon by power of the people.
Vardha the cyclone I pray you never come.
builders I pray you build responsibly.
those personal losses, I pray your soul,
rests in peace.
hope you cyclones never come.
Mother Nature shows mercy,
When you show Mother Nature mercy.
We messed around with this planet too much.
time to realise time to learn,
What goes around comes all the way back around.

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