Why You Won't Succeed

I want to, but,.....I can't, because......I wish I could....

Those are the worst lies people tell themselves.


Somebody? Fuck It!! Everyone wants to be successful. Dreaming for bigger and better things isn't a sin but restricting yourself from working at your full potential because of these unattainably high levels of expectations put forth by your conscious mind in the name of "I could.........if only I had(something you don't have and won't unless you work for it)...........".

2 years ago I was a complete mess, didn't know what I was going to do in my life, nor had any control in which direction my life was heading. I knew I had to do something, because I had already wasted a year or so being in that stage and letting the circumstance take control of me. Finally something positive happened. What I came up with, was a program, a method to enrich the Quality of living. It was a result of months of introspection and studying real life case studies.


These are three out of many things that I talk in this program
Time Is Taken For Granted
We don't realize the amount of time wasted in doing useless and unproductive stuff on a day to day basis. According to a recent study adults spend around 4 hours a day on social-media. I used to spend around 5-6 hours.


Now taking into consideration a minimum wage-rate of $9 an hour I was missing out on $1080 of additional monthly income. Which was just insane, there are numerous ways in which you could flip it. I elaborate on this in my program(It is too lengthy to be discussed in a single blog post)

It Starts With You
It all begins with a resolution "I would utilize as much time as I can", and that would include shunning social-media, weekends, parties, trips at least for a couple of months to see considerable results.

There is only so much you could learn, when you are doing something or studying something which you think will not be useful in any way, you are wrong! No matter what you learn, Literally it doesn't matter what you are learning but as long as quality efforts are put into it, results are inevitable, consider worst-case scenarios, maybe you are a computer engineer and you spent a month learning about "Evolution of Mankind", of-course it has no use in the present but think about the possibilities, a hackathon on Humanoid Robots, a AI Machine Learning project that your organization might take up, or a online community working towards understanding Human Psychology, In all those scenarios you would have an edge just by being knowledgeable on a subject completely irrelevant to your field.

"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know"
Albert Einstein

Taking control of your future is doable, begin by a 30 day #MakeAMove Challenge. Basically it is a fitness challenge in which you do just 1 push-up, 1 pull-up, 1 burpee and 1 squat on day One and on the second day you do 2 repetitions of each one of those exercises the goal is to reach 30 days. That means you begin by doing 1 reps per day and eventually reach 30 reps by the end of this 30-day challenge.


I want you to be inspired and I want you to make sure that your Tomorrow is better than Today.

"The only thing worse than failing is not trying"
Seth Godin

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