
Lately ICOs have been deluging the system to enhance the beauty of the blockchain.
Airdrop to the left, do this to the right.
2017 was a culprit of what to come in 2018 and beyond.
How do you navigate yourself in this cluster of information.

We have a lot of steemians directing traffic by advising us to look at certain coins.
We have an array of sites focusing solely on advancing the thirst of crypto knowledge.


  • TOPICO offers one place where you can dive and discover icos and research them. You can go through active ico, pre ico, upcoming ico, past ico.
    You are obligated to check and verify which icos tend to deliver by going through their sites and read their whitepapers.

  • ICOBENCH is a rating ICO where the experts rated the ico to help you with your decision. Icobench alleviate the guess work for you so it is easier to move on or pass by.

  • COINGECKO is acting like coinmarketcap with a different twist. They offered a page about all cryptos on the market, A page for all ICOs, A page for all exchanges where most coins are traded. It is good to visit them cause their way of presenting all coins differ greatly from coinmarketcap.

  • Smith& Crown offers a straightforward view of all available ICOs and help you determine which to focus on. It is more of a way to know if they are legit and then move on. You can click on some and go straight to their page.

  • Cryptowatch gives you a live feed from many exchanged. I have a chance to look at the exchanges for steem. Yes steem is in there from Binance, Poloniex.
    They have feed from many exchanges all over the world.

Crypto currency is here to stay. Grasp as much knowledge as possible to situate yourself in the booming digital world.

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