How important is to "get up" and do something?

I was with a friend of mine for coffee. He is such an easy-going guy, a bit phlegmatic, but he is open to new things. Almost every time he comes with something new or with some new idea to make money. And I always listen, because we both share the same reluctance to become corporate or some other kind of slave, which depends on the labor market and mood swings of his slaver. But that's how it is with this friend of mine for several years. He talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk. What's the problem? This friend of mine is very lazy and indolent. Best option for him is not to do anything or to make other people do all the work for him. He just live his little illusion of not doing anything and receive everything for free. Just like that, without any efford of his. This reminds me one old joke. One old woman comes day by day to the church a prays for a win in lottery. So God doesn't hold his nerves one day and says to the old woman: „at least make a lottery ticket!“

Image of Potatoes

Why am I actually writing about this? I really thought about this after coffee with a friend of mine I mentioned above. How many people are there in this world , which have dreams and goals but no endeavour or will to make them happen. How many people, despite their many possibilities and conveniences of modern world, are not able to „get up“ and start to do something?As many of you surely know nothing is going to happen all by itself. Iven in this web a man has to register himself first, then start to read, write and comment, etc. Even here nothing is for free, even though ome people may think it is. But paradoxycally his is the sort of people who never persist. If there is an indication that they need to do something, they will give up and they will start to look for some easier way.

Image of Lazy man

Why is that? There could be several reasons. It could be a nature of their character or an absence of will or excerssive laziness. Or maybe it is paradoxically the amount of possibilities and the fact that todays people live the best lifes in a history of human kind. Some people often talk about so called comfort zone, when a man is not able to overcome his stereotype way of living which gives him certain comfort, even though he constantly complains about many things or wishes for better life. We can also talk about survival zone, when a man has sufficient minimum for his survival and therefore he doesn't need to live like a homeless person.

People would naturally like to live better lifes. They would like to have more, etc. But you surely see and understand the difference between „I wish“ or „I would like“ and „I want“ or „I want and I will“. The first group of people („I wish“ or „I would like“) only wishes something, but they will never do something to make it happen. The wish remain only inside their heads. And that's the crucial question: „how much I really want this?“ If we just imagine how awsome it would be, then we will never have it. But if we want it so bad that we will actually „get up“ and start to do something to make it happen, thats completele something different. I asume that many people here already answer this question. But sometimes it is good idea to remind this questions and answers to yourself. It could be about education, work, business, cryptocurrency, steemit or anything else that is important for you in some way.

So, make a wish a do something to make it happen. Anything won't happen just by itself.

(this article is an english translation of my former article I posted in czech language, but it is all my original and authentical work)

Lazy man

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