When life hands you lemons....Update.

Dear Reader

Sometimes I just want to scream and cry! Hide away under a rock and pretend I am in my own world where everything is perfect! No pain, no sadness, just me and my own happy swirls of inkt!

Sadly that is not how life works. We all come across things we don't like and above all we all come in contact with pain.

Pain comes in many shapes and for some reason we hardly see it coming!

After losing my dad 6 years ago, I feel into a dark place with grief. It took me quit sometime to climb up but I did it! Two and a half years ago, I got pretty sick and it took me almost 2 years to get where I am now. I can't complain healthwise eventhough is far from 100%.

A few months ago, I finally felt that my life was turning towards happy times and relaxing moments of joy! But guess what? Yepp.... There are a few more lemons thrown in my face!

It started with my mom going too see the doc about some pain in her lungs. She had a few lung infections in the past and she was just being careful....

One thing let to another...
Doc wanted xrays of her lungs, which let to them finding a weird spot on one of her lungs....
She needed to get more tests and a pet scan.
First item added to her list of pain... COPD fase 3.
My dad died 6 years ago from copd fase 4.
The pet scan showed clean lungs BUT.... Here we go.
As if copd was not enough thet found two masses in her body. One in her throat and one in her colon. More testing and more fear!
Yesterday our fear became real!

Her troat was clear but they found a huge cancer mass in her colon.
Next week they are going to tell us if and what they can do.

I don't often ask for prayers but now I am!

My own problems are being put aside and I am going to take care of my mom!
Please keep her in your prayers! She needs all the help she can get!

Source: Dreamtime.com

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