The update we wanted to hear!

After several weeks of living in angst, we finally got some good news.
The tumor in my mom's belly is 5 centimeters but it did not spread through her body!
Of course, it still sucks that she has cancer but the prognosis is good so far!

She will be scheduled to take it out between now and 6 weeks.
They hope she won't need chemo or radiation therapy! But that is not 100% sure yet! The hopes for it are up!
They will know about that when the tumor is out!

After so much stress this was the best news we could get concerning the cancer!
Today she is seeing a specialist for her COPD! This also scares me. Mostly because I know how it works. My dad died 6 years ago when he was in stage 4 wich is the last stage.
I decided to write about this journey because it helps me to get things off my chest!

I miss being my happy self and I know I always wrote about the fun side of my life. But the truth is that it's not always fun. Life comes with hurdles. And right now we are crossing a massive bump! I know we will find a way to deal with everything together!

The moment we know a date for the surgery I wall go and travel to my mom.
She was happy to hear that I am going to come and take care of her. It's the least I can do. We will spend some good time together and I will spoil her as much as I can!

I picked up my painting again. And while it's far from the level I was at, I am happy to feel the strokes of a brush again. Slow steps!

Create memories, smile and live life like its your last day!
You never know if there will be a tomorrow!

Lots of love !

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