I wonder!

Sometimes I wonder....

Am I on the right path? Did I take a wrong turn? Gosh, I might be lost again!
It does not matter though! It's where I am now that matters! How will I cross, yet again a new road without getting hit by an angry mob of cars. Will I end up being the splashed chicken who crossed too soon? Too late? I am confused. And even that is nothing new!

I am not made out of magic beans! Although my Dad might have told you differently if he would still be alive.


Sometimes I wonder....

Trust me, I took a lot of wrong turns in my life! One might say, I should be used to it by now! I am, partly! The other part if me is still in denial! Confused denial to be correct! Mostly because I am not sure if I want to be confused or am confused! Are you confused already? Join my new club by dailing 666confusedasfuckapple club! It's free and a marvelous place to be. We give out free hugs and while doing so, we plot your downfall! Okay, I am mega confused right now!


Sometimes I wonder....

Have I taken on too much? Can I handle this? Will this make me fall?
Sometimes I let fear guide me and sometimes I follow my brave heart!
You can't stand up without falling right?
I just wonder why I always seem to fall in a pile of shit nose first! Why can't I fall like a princess would! In a pile of sugar, frosting or just some plain old ice cream! Hell, I would settle for a pile of beer right now! I don't drink. Be glad! Trust me!

Sometimes I wonder....

Should I be silent and hide in a pretty hole! Should I shield myself from the world?
Silence, darkness.... Am I nothing?


And then I realize....

All the wrong paths I chose learned me valuable lessons and made me the person I am today! Every problem I faced in the past ended with me finding a solution! I craft possibilities ( say what?) with my own hands! Yes, some paths were hard but here I am! I don't give up and sure as hell won't run away with my tail between my legs! No, I face them demons and stand tall!

Sometimes I wonder....

Why I am not seen as a bloody genius!

PoeticSnake blogs on Whaleshares and Steemit

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