burned out...... A time to step back and find your happy bubbles all over again.

So, I came to the conclusion that I am suffering from a severe  case of what you could call a Steemit Burn out! Not burned out all the way to the floor but enough to realise that I need to take some time to reflect on what my goals are for this platform.  
I joined this platform 17 months ago and I am still loving it! I don't need this burned out feeling so I have a plan! 

Step one:
Make a plan! ( Done)

Step two:
Follow your plan ( Done) 

My plan is to find myself more happy bubbles so I can share them around with all steemers who are in need of happy bubbles! To do so, I have to work on not feeling like I am having a steemit burnout but to feel happy again! 

While scanning the internet a while back, I came across this image. 

Img credit: wtfmarketing.com

Seeing that I am always willing to try out good advice................. 

SO, I don't want this burn out feeling and looked at the few books I still had to read. I like to buy tons of books and tell myself I am going to read them all. But, most of the time they all end up looking all pretty at my book shelfs on the wall.  But you see, there is a deeper reason for me to buy books and not read them.... Get ready for a SHOCK moment......

I always end up sniffing my books instead of reading them!
Oohh yes, I am the book sniffer you see stalking book stores. I am the one book sniffer they throw out of said store after sniffing too much. It;s like a drug and I am an addict! There is no need to hide it anymore. I love sniffing new and old books. Might be the only reason I don't buy digital books. I tried sniffing my screen but..... Okay! 

So the read a book tip was not working! I sniffed, and all I wanted to was sniff more...

Img credits:  EpicReads 

Next tip I wanted to try out was the ride a seal! 

What better place in the Netherlands to ride a seal than Pieterburen!
Seeing the weather was bad and they have them inside to recover I thought it wise to go there!
They do amazing things to let the seals heal and care for them until they are strong enough to return in the wild. My plan was to ride one who was ready and strong enough...
Picking one out was a hard task.... For some reason I think those seals knew why I was there... Maybe they can read minds? Or they sniff books as well and we have a magical bond... Or both... I dunno.... 

Anyways, the moment I climbed into the cage/pool I was caught in the moment of action and no matter how hard I tried to explain they showed no mercy! 

Img credits: Pieterburen. 

NEXT STOP.... Snowworld in Zoetermeer. 

Where else would I be able to hunt a snowboarder!!!!
On my way there I made net from scratch using the thread from my hand knitted sweater. Who needs to stay warm while hunting right? The cab driver did not ask questions so I had enough time to make a whole plan in my head. What would be the best way to capture a person going fast on a board? Or maybe it would be better if I stalked a beginners class? Most of the beginners end up on their bum bum all the time and seeing that my aim is not all to good....

I paid the cab driver, paid the money to be even more cold and entered the world of Snow! 

Img credit: Pinterest. 

I stalked while my whole body started to freeze. I could poke someone's eyes out with my nips I tell ya! But I won't! I took a spot behind a beginners class and waited for the perfect moment to ambush my victim, well .....

I shouted something like Carambaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa while I tried to wrap the man up in my net... I tripped, fell face forward in the snow and after that it all became a blur...
I woke up in a snow white jacket but could not move my arms........

Took me a whole lot of time to make them believe that I only did it because I was having a steemit burn out moment! Some looked at me as if I was going to tickle attack them and other just shook their heads ... BUT....

I came out of this and.....

That leaves me with only one thing on the list to do......

Have sex! 

But before that I need a really HOT shower and get myself warmed up again! I also need a new sweater.....

Busy day coming! 

Find your happy bubbles!
Follow your heart! 


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