State Education? How to become a professional consumer!

In most western countries state education is compulsory and state enforced. Truancy can result in fines or jail time for parents, this just isn't a result of state cohesion on a cultural level, education holds a sacred status much like that of religion. This is an institution that most never question, and thats a problem!

Do you ever wonder why kids spend on average of 11-13 years from child to young adult, supposedly being prepared for real life? Barely coming out with much real life skill they can apply straight away? 13 years and kids ain't even taught how to grow a garden or build a house, these fundamental things for survival yet not even touched on briefly! And lets not forget about money and law, the most omnipresent part of our life, and once again not even touched on. 13 years and kids come out without even rudimentary concepts to organize and lead people, without a glimmer of understanding on how to resolve conflicts non violently, AND WE CALL THIS EDUCATION???

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We are taught how to read and write and to perform some basic Maths, but were not taught how to think for ourselves or the principles of logic or to question an ideology, what we are taught is how to sit at a desk and how to listen obediently as the world is packaged into a neat little box that we are to accept without question.
we are taught to regurgitate this information for tests to give the answer to those in authority demand but most of all on how to conform.


For faithfully jumping through all of these hoops for 13 years you get rewarded with a useless piece of paper that most employers don't even ask to see.
13 years is a long time? that's most of our childhood, to have this much time taken by force with such pathetic results is just unacceptable. The problem here is not a lack of funding, isn't poorly trained teachers relaxed regulation or low quality curriculum, the problem is the whole educational paradigm the system isn't designed to prepare children for the real world, its designed to format their minds and to condition them to a life of subservience.
It's designed to create a population of individuals just smart enough to fill out paperwork and to stamp a clock card but to stupid to question the system itself or the authority of those running it.

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If we want to change course we can not ignore this aspect of our enslavement.


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