Mainstream and the matrix

What is it about people and there desire to listen and believe the bollocks that the mainstream media churn out day by day, its almost like an infectious disease taking over the masses!


I was trying to explain to a colleague of mine that inflation has gobbled up the standard working average wage in the UK and that we were way worse off than we were 25 years ago, my work colleague with his "ignorant is bliss" attitude (we can connect to anyone around the world e.t.c) was in such denial that he used all of the latest technological devices ( but didn't mention block chain hmmm!!) as a reference to our happiness in today's society. Which I agreed on there are definitely positives to technological advances. (Block chain Technology, obviously he didn't have a clue what it was when I mentioned it)



We are now entering decadent times with drug use hitting all time highs sexual deprivation in society which is now being glamorized by mainstream, fifty shades of grey,(sadomasochism) the constant bombardment by the media to younger generations with programmes like, naked attraction where they meet there potential partners naked and solely judge them on how they look, they are creating a next generation of narcissistic shallow materialistic unintelligible incoherent and unable to recognize what meaningful relationships are.


We also need to be aware of big business penetrating public education, teaching them in such a manner where they are not learning life skills, in essence becoming mindless zombie consumers that try to find contentment in materialistic things.
Your doomed for failure if your expecting to try and find happiness from materialism.


It pains me to see people like my work colleague who doesn't see anything from a different perspective, he only has one and that's his little boxed up world that's been gift wrapped for him, unfortunately it's these type of people who will never wake up.
It hurts even more when I have lots of family members who will be stuck in this matrix forever I really do hope they prove me wrong. All I can do is to try and educate people in a way they don't feel threatened by it, by making some points that are easier to digest instead of bombarding them with everything that's wrong with our world.

stay positive, stay well

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