The never ending "Take control of your life and become rich in your spare time" scam model

"I used to have a boring office job that didn't paid me enough, but then I found this opportunity and now I'm being my own boss, making seven figures a year and having more time than ever to spend with my friends and family"
-Handsome guy in a suit in front of a Rolls Royce parked next to some tropical resort's pool.

Image by Pixabay under CC0 license

This is going to ruffle some feathers, but it is something that needs to be addressed.

Since I got into college I've been bombarded with "be your own boss and be financially independent" opportunities. All of them promising to provide great returns with low risks just by joining their business and selling or promoting their life improving products or services... Sounds great, right?

"But there is more! You can always increase your income by getting five more people involved... and helping those five get their own three and so on". Success stories videos with flashy cars and private jets start to play and suddenly the focus of the presentation switches from the product/service to the potential earnings that getting more people involved can provide. They show you how you can become a rock-star millionaire if you work hard enough on your network.
The office, pyramid schemes

Finally they say that their business might not be for everyone, being only people that look forward to become better and get out their average life styles. Time to seal the deal! Who is in? It's just $199 to join plus $79 a month to stay inside the business and receive your product.

Multilevel Marketing businesses have been flourishing in recent years, targeting specially young people. Young people with big aspirations who want to be actually credited for their work. But are these businesses actually going to deliver on their claims? Will they allow you to be your own boss and make a living?

Let's not even talk about the quality and reliability of the products and services these businesses provide. That's for your own research.

You won't have to stick to a regular work schedule and won't have to answer to anyone as your boss, that's for sure, but all of your work will be focused towards marketing someone else's product, service or business. You wont be getting any salary, health insurance or pension plan and on top of that you should keep paying to keep the privilege of being part of their business. That doesn't sound like being your own boss, but more like sub-employment conditions.

Even if you are able to make a profit, it is undeniable that the total amount of people involved under the company will be investing more money that they get back, otherwise the main company would go bankrupt. CHEAPEST WORKFORCE EVER.

Is it ok for you to promote this model knowing this?

Multilevel Marketing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Of course that hard work is required to profit, nothing comes for free. But the amount of effort that this requires is so high that those people actually making money in these businesses would be way better starting their very own and independent company. It has never been a better time to become an entrepreneur or an investor.

The internet provides us with a ton of valid resources to start and run our very own business. A business that we can actually enjoy running and be passionate about. If you have been tempted by any of the hooks used by pyramid schemes, give yourself an actual chance to succeed and build your own empire under your own terms.

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