Beauty OF Nature

Today in CT a snow storm ~~~ Picture At SCSU While leaving the campus

I love snow and how it's white color just cover and dominate the whole nature around us. Watching those small pieces gathering on top of each other is so ironic when you think of it. Everything in nature could be interpreted into a lesson for us to use in our daily life. 

Take as an example our homework or any work that we could be required to do in a certain time. If that work kept accumulates and delayed day after day, we will reach a point that in order to make it done, the effort should be more than double to be spent on it. Just like the snow you see with your eyes, it's small at first but when time passes this piece will become thicker and harder to remove. You imagine it easy at first and you keep delaying until you see the result with your own eyes.

Even though I was happy today for canceling a class because of a storm but I know that it will create some kind of pressure later that we students will have to suffer in order to finish what required from that class to be done. 

Stay warm everyone and try to keep up with your quests ^^ 

Thank You For Reading :)

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