Just be

Weed, coffee, cocaine, nicotine, sugar, phone, work, internet, coke...coke ? Coke, blogging, fucking, abusing..endless isn't it ?
Name a person that isn't addicted to anything. But here's a thought. Are you really addicted ? Or are you addicted to not being alone in a place where you are completely able to feel a second of your life ? Is it the phone or is it actually the need to not be still and stay calm? Are we so incompetent that we just can't be still, calm and thoughtless for a second ? Are our lives so determined by our drive to enjoy life, do big things or just have an adrenaline rush that we just can't feel ourselves ? Are you so afraid of feeling the silence that you'd rather whip your dick out and have a crack at it ?
We are the most inconsistent beings with only 2 consistent things in our life. One of them is our drug and the other is our need to not face the reality of the situation. You're not poor,rich, a CEO, a corporate slave, an artist, a diplomat or a prositute. You're just a being. Who's forgotten how to just be

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