Piercing The Veil Show # 3- Colloidial Silver & Gold

@pierce-the-veil: On this episode Special Guest Aron Benjamin Goins covers proper use of important Alternative Health Practices & Supplements. In particular: Collodial Silver, Gold, and Iodine.

LINK TO SHOW #3: http://bbsradio.com/podcast/show-3-aron-ben-goins-collodial-silver-january-24-2016
LINK TO OUR PODCASTS: http://bbsradio.com/piercingtheveil/archives

Quick Facts about Silver:

Silver has been used for thousands of years to prevent disease and sickness.
It can also be used to prolong the shelf life of bread, milk, and other perishables.

Roman Soldiers made it a regular practice to carry a silver coin in their water pouches, and milk containers.
Coins were also purportedly added into the food storage areas, inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungus.

There are historians who claim that the Romans superior technology, warfare tactics, and strategies were directly supported by their innovative and consistent use of silver. This allowed them to travel longer, farther, and more efficiently without straining "supply chain logistics" like most roving campaigns of old. Not to mention, treating wounds (a mixture of silver dust and honey was applied to heal those wounded in battle)

Ever heard of the phrase "Born with a Silver Spoon in Your Mouth"?

This was apparently taken from the Dark Ages. During the Black Plague, "born with a silver spoon" would denote a person of wealth or class, whose families could afford silverware would place a silver spoon in their mouths and the mouths of their family. The result was that they were sufficiently protected from contracting the Plague in all manner of walking about and interacting with the townfolk.

A Quick Note on Colloidal Gold:

Different forms of Gold have been used for thousands of years in spiritual or esoteric practices. Now today in the modern world, it is used primarily as a "plating" or "coating" for telecom or satellite communications.
On a personal or bio level, The gold appears to directly affect the nervous system providing a number of spiritual benefits that have been hidden away from the masses. (Ormus, MonoAtomic Gold, etc.) Ben discusses these concepts further during the episode.

Kind of Makes You Wonder what all those gold capped skyscrapers across the country are really for?
(Magical Elite Rituals perhaps?)


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