What is depression for me and how I overcame it?

It all began when all my friends went to universities and I didn't,well to be honest I couldn't as I hadn't had the citizenship of Turkey.I participated to university exams then of course I chose where I wanted to study.But I wasn't expecting there to be a handicap but I faced one.ÖSYM(in Turkish) Student Selection and Placement Center called me in august and said that I couldn't apply for my major as I did not have a Turkish citizenship.Of course that was shocking for me as the bags I was holding had slipped from my hands and all the fruit I bought was on the road but I didn't care.All I cared was trying to understand my situation.But,it was done.I couldn't go to university and all my hopes for life just parished.Well,you may tell ''So what? Try next year!''I thought about it as well but it would end up in the same way.So I was both unemployed and not student and my freinds had been away.They all were in university.I felt so lonely in my little town.They only were visiting my town once in 3 or 4 months.So I found myself in messy jobs.Life was not enjoyable anymore.I was coming home late and I had to wake up too early.I can say that I barely had a life.But I went on as I didn't know what else to do.

It went like that for 4 years.I thought of comitting suicide but my brain fortunately was rejecting those ideas.After some time I found out that I could then apply to university with my high school diploma which was something new for me as I had not heard about it.I was not really excited while I was applying for it.I guess my depression level was so high that I didn't even believe that something good would happen in my life.And I didn't belive in miracles.So the results were ready.I got a call from my girl(friend).She told me that the results were on university's formal site.I was playing Call of Duty MW.I stopped it,went on site,checked the list and what I see? MY NAME.Well not really my name :D First I saw country but even that made my heart beat so fast.I saw my name on the list and I screamed so loudly that im sure our neighbours must've heard it.My family got surprised not expecting anything like that.But soon they joined to my happined and they both cuddled me.I knew that was the turning point of my life when everything was going change.And it did as I expected.I began to study French(not my favorite but still it is something).My environment was new,everything was new.I was as free as a bird.As you may think my depression disappeared so fast.I'm glad that I didnt give up on university or commited suicide.As lise is full with surprises.You dont know what it can offer.All you need to do is keep fighting and not giving up.I hope it has been a good motivation for you.Thanks.

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