How to learn a foreign language when there is no motivation?

Look for reasons for lack of motivation

I would not be me if I did not dig into the reasons for the reluctance to learn German. It turned out that I moved to Germany for my husband, but did not want to live here - I was drawn back to Moscow.

As soon as I appropriated everything that happened and my life to myself, the wall on the road to learning German, which I myself raised, ceased to seem so impregnable.

Maybe the reason for your unwillingness also lies on the surface? If you know it in person, share it in the comments.

Set clear objectives
I was also prevented from moving ahead of the lack of concrete and achievable goals. I also had the idea of ​​"learning the language" - and between us is a dense, impenetrable fog. How to get from me, who can only connect a few words together, to me who will be fluent in the language?

I constantly stumbled about this ideal picture: here I am - in any situation, understanding what they say to me, and able to support the conversation. But this did not happen from the word "absolutely". The more they talked to me, the more I opened my mouth and clapped my eyes, not knowing what to say.

But it was this that prompted me to open the dictionary at home and watch the translation of the German words deposited in memory, and, therefore, to learn the language.

And one day I was overtaken by the bright idea that now I do not need to "learn the language", I need to pass the exam to the level of B1. Step by step, take a course of 9 study books, sign up for the exam and pass it. Then we'll see.

And what is the goal in learning the language before you?

Add to schedule
If it was decided to teach the language, then I had to find the time to do it. In the day only 24 hours, and magic gifts of fate in the form of additional hours was not foreseen.

Of course, I was in the illusion that I would somehow clear my day, and I would have 30-60 minutes of free time to study. But no, two children and life filled the day after day, in the evening, of course, I wanted to talk with my husband and I did not have the strength to do what I did not want, and on weekends I just wanted to rest from everything.

I had no time. There was no time until I began to clear the table in the kitchen after breakfast, to sit down the children to draw, and myself to take up textbooks. There was no time until I began to read in German, while the children splashed in the bathroom. There was no time until I started to learn grammar while my husband was reading a book to children after dinner. There was no time until I started to go to the cafes on the weekend.

In general, if you still need to learn the language, look for time in your busy schedule when you do it.

Create an atmosphere
In my experience, to learn a language, you need to surround yourself with it. Hang up the cards around the apartment, put the book in that language on the bedside table, lay out the textbooks so that they look with reproachful or winking eyes - whoever they like.

All this I did, but the atmosphere was still not too workable - then the laundry should be weighed, then the dinner should be cooked, then the pot should be washed. Going to study in a cafe where German speech is around, and nothing distracts, was for me a great help.

Arrange weekends

To clench your teeth on the word "must" and do once - you can, and forcing yourself for many months fraught with a complete rejection for such and even longer.

I thought that it was necessary to study for six months and a year, drove into an incredible longing. And I came up with such a trick: I will study only 5 days, then 2 days off, then again 5 days, but I'll think about them next week.

It helped, because there were days when I did not learn German, did not think about it and did not even look in his direction, and it took off the oppressive feeling of having to do things that do not really like it. And yet, when I was lazy during my studies, I did not give in to laziness, but I said to myself: "Okay, today I'm studying, but on Friday I'll rest!"

To teach a month, two, three in a row is difficult, and it's quite real to teach 5 days. Sprint distance and no marathons until exhaustion and loss of sensitivity in all limbs.

To pay the price and reward yourself
My husband bought me a course in German, but since I did not work for him and I paid for it, I was not very motivated to pay for the course.

Motivation appeared at the time when the husband agreed to go for a walk with the children. It was embarrassing to let this time go by doing nothing.

Someone is suitable option to pay for courses or tutors, someone to promise themselves after training a trip or a major purchase, which has long been dreamed of.

External incentives work, but do not rely too much on them.

Try different ways of learning
Learning a foreign language for textbooks has long been no longer fashionable and boring. You can read books, watch movies and serials in the original, communicate with the media, follow the updates of foreign blogs, listen to music and audiobooks.

Learn what is already known and interesting
One of my first ways to learn a language is to bake pies on a German book with recipes. Yes, there is not a very diverse grammar and vocabulary, but this is what was done with love, interest and little use for studying German.

Another non-stretch way to learn the language for me was to go to yoga classes here in Germany or study German video on Youtube.

Conveniently, in these two topics, I already understand something, and where I do not understand in German, I often guess intuitively.

Try to study what you are interested in only in another language.

Go to meet the new
The opposite way to the previous one is to go to meet the new, try what you would like to do, but you have not reached it yet.

I, for example, sat down on video about body language and work with voice. What I do not have time in Russian, but what makes my mind tremble in joyful anticipation of learning a new one.

Celebrate successes
"What successes, when it is impossible to get rid of the sensation that you are trampling on the spot?" - you can exclaim in your hearts.
Success is definitely there, if you are engaged. We often look forward to what is to be done, but forget to look back, take a breath and evaluate the path that has been made.

Behind one mastered lesson - this is not enough. We were engaged every evening all week - hurray! There is something to celebrate.

Do not necessarily praise yourself with chocolates. For me, the celebration was time with the family, when you can lie down together on the bed, read a book or paint. It was this time that I sacrificed for the sake of learning.

And I also rewarded myself with walks alone. I slowly wandered through the woods, looked at the pressure with which the water flowed in the river despite the obstacles, and thought about what I had already done and where I was going next.

Do you have time to celebrate?

This was my way, which had to be passed, despite my reluctance and resistance. The most surprising thing is that he led me to the desire to learn German. After I received the certificate B1, I did not abandon training, but continued it already of my own free will. Every week on Thursdays I write on my blog about my successes and failures in studying German in the project "The Year of the Depth". Look, if interested.

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