Goodday Great Steemitians.

Today's blog, i really wanna remind us about important things.

The heading says,


What is near?

Really, the second coming of jesus is near.

What are your proofs?

I've forgotten the part in the bible that says,
"That men shall become wise"
What do i mean by that?

What i meant is , men shall become wise when the second coming of jesus is near, they shall becoming to create things, they shall all want to be like God.

Where Have you seen men trying to be wise?

Let's take for example, our scientists, they never believe they is God, and they always want to be like gods themselves.
For example, lately, we were complaining about the sex dolls invented.
Scientists invented a doll that looks just like a human, flexible like a human, and every others.
But one thing i know for sure is that, they can never give it life!.

So what are the facts to show that the End is near?

Yea, i really do have facts.
Let's take for example, the illuminati,
This is no more a secret organisation, its now obvious and official.
One cannot become a President of the United states without joinig them.
They are no more in hidding and it seems like no one can stop them..

Now they go around openning their own churches, and people that are called christains, go there to worship.


And these churches are growning around the world


These is the world we are in now.

I still reflect down to the passage of the bible that says,
"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause" (Rev 13:15)

And there is power to give lives to all these dolls being created, to all robots, to all statues, .......

But God said, he would no more destroy the earth with water, dat was the promise he made to Noah (Gen 9:11)

But this time, he would destroy it with fire.

God has seen you suffering, he has seen you weeping, he has seen you being persecuted.

He sent his only son to die for the world that our sins be forgiven, but many don't appreciate this blood, we take it for granted because our God is too merciful..

God has a reason for everything,
He has sent out his prophets to preach repentance to but only those that has ear, will hear.

And the bible says:
That when the end comes, "and no man might buy or sell, except he has the mark , or the name of the beast".

So my question is, which mark do you bear?

Is it the mark of Christ?

Or the mark of Satan?

Choose your life now!!

He said, the son of man wil come like a thief in the night and only those who are prepared, will go with the bride-groom.

Are you Prepared??

You have now to make your life straight with God, for he alone will save you !!

Thanks for your time!


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