Visiting again.

Today I have the opportunity to enter the net and to make a quick tour of the blogs, which have given me so many hours of pleasure and knowledge, as is well known we are experiencing a terrible crisis that every day that passes the way we love our beloved Venezuela we become very truculent.

So I decide to thank all those brothers who follow day by day the different news that are produced daily, in addition to thanking with the soul to all those countries that have given us a helping hand because in each migrant who travels their different paths bear the seal of Venezuelans in crisis.

I am sure that sooner rather than later, we will achieve the desired freedom that will lead us to the reconstruction of the Venezuelan essence, leaving aside the selfishness, resentment and even hatred that have sowed in us as a result of the many miseries that we live daily.

For now I bid farewell to all my friends in this network, praying for your health and that I may soon be able to give you excellent news. As always when I have the opportunity I travel to the network to meet my dear friends and tell them that it is not a goodbye but a see you later.


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