
There are moments of joy, where everything goes well and you enjoy those moments. Yesterday we went out as a family, we were in the country and for my wife that time was very splendid, because I remembered times of his childhood. So there are moments of happiness, success, fame, economic well-being.

But there is a moment of sadness, where everything goes wrong. There is sickness, sadness for the departure of a loved one, bad in the study, economic shortage.

Life is like that, time of joy and time of sadness. Time to be healthy and sick time. Abundance time and scarcity time. It is like a carousel, sometimes it is up and sometimes it is down.

But at all times the Lord Jesus Christ is at our side, to help and guide us at all times. You have to do as José did. In times of plenty he stored enough food, so that when the shortage came they would supply it. It was so, that additional sold to those who needed food.

You have to be cautious and know that today we're fine, but tomorrow we might be wrong. I invite you to believe in your heart in Jesus Christ, He can become your best friend, you will never be disappointed and you can always count on Him. God bless you.

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