A man who has no plan for his life has nothing to live for; because life places a demand on you to plan. Not being able to plan is the reason so many young adult with dreams has nothing to show for it. This is one of the reasons we have bitter parents today. Parent who wants us to achieve what they couldn't achieve, take risk they couldn't take and study what we are not willing to study. The question is what will your children know you for? Begin to plan now. This is the best time to plan what your financial future will look like. Now is the best time to plan.

10 things you must do before you get to age 30.

  1. Self Discovery: it is self discovery that enlist you for life not necessarily birth. It is Important to note that greatness is not acquiring wealth. You can acquire wealth and still not a great personality. For example if Bill Gate does not have a car or houses would you still consider him to be a great? The answer is yes because he has contributed to his generation in a definite way. He is an asset in who he is. He has discovered how he cannot be ignored. Therefore the discovery of how you can contribute to life is the first mark for living life to the fullest. Until you discover yourself, you will remain on the lowest profile of life, lowly looked down upon. You are not respected because you have gray hair. Gray hair may be the mark of length of life but not a proof of contribution to life.
    Self discovery is the greatest thing that will happen to any one. The people who don't know themselves depends on other people for their self definition. For as long as other people define you, they will continue to think to tell you what they think you are and if you live by their definition you can never be yourself because you will just continue to vacillate from one person idea about you to another.

  2. BEFORE 30 YOU MUST LEARNT HOW TO USE YOUR GIFTING TO SOLVE PROBLEMS: The presence of the gifting is not as important as the knowledge of how it works. (proverbs 17:18 A gift is a precious stone In the eyes of him that hath it. Whithersoever it turneth, it prospers.) for as long as you turn ur gift that is use it to add value and solve problems you will prosper. Your purpose (Treasure) has the capacity to employ you for a life time. Learn how to position your gift for rewards. Many people out there that earn more than you, do not have a better gift than you but the difference is just in the application of the gift.

  3. BEFORE 30 YOU MUST HAVE GOT SOME IDEA ON HOW TO MAKE MONEY: You must realize that you have what others don't have so they have to depend on you for it. Therefore you give what others don't have to get some rewards (money). You make money out of people's ignorance. So check what ignorance your gifting was supposed to fix and and make some money.

  4. BEFORE 30 YOU MUST HAVE KNOWN WHAT LOVE REALLY IS: Many young Adult have misconstrued what love really is. When someone says I love you. What does he /she really mean? Does he mean I like you, I want to have sex with you or does it mean you look enchanting or seductive? What is the the true definition of 'I love you'? Here am not talking about the Agapa love (God's kind of love). I mean the love we share in our relationship with others especially the opposite sex. At 30 you should know that love is a responsibility and a choice to give. It's beyond emotions. Love is not about exploiting someone. Its about adding value to your partner.

  5. BEFORE 30 YOU MUST BE KNOWN FOR SOMETHING: great men are known for something not everything. They are known for specifics. Begin to work on what you want to be known for.

  6. YOU MUST READ 30 BOOKS AND HAVE MENTOR: someone once said he who does not read is not better than a man who cannot read. Learn to read book to develop yourself. Rub minds with great mind learn how they conquer certain challenges the way they do. The place of a mentor is very important. A mentor is one who speaks into your life. Someone who have the creativity, the wisdom, the ability, the patience and grace to mold your life into shape because they seem to have gotten to where you want to get to.

  7. YOU MUST LEARN HOW TO SAY NO: you must have the ability to say NO without feeling guilty. Don't be emotional about everything. Most of us young people are stagnated because we are concerned about what people will say or think if we try to what we want to do. Say NO to peer pressure, drugs, premarital sex etc all of these will distract you from fulfilling your purpose.

  8. BEFORE 30 YOU MUST HAVE CONQUERED PROCASTINATION: am also really working heard to conquer this before I get to 30. Our dreams and idea are put on hold because of procrastination. Procrastination is a thief of time and the Lazy man's apology.

9.YOU MUST HAVE AN INVESTMENT AND A BANK ACCOUNT: don't spend all that come your way. Learn to save and invest. Buy shares, invest on cryptocurrency. Learn to invest it will pay in future.

10: YOU MUST HAVE GIVEN YOU LIFE TO CHRIST: this sounds spiritual or better still religious but trust me this is reality. Life without Jesus is full of crisis. God says in his word for humanity to be reconciled back to God we must come through Jesus. We get worried about all the things we have not being able to achieve in life neglecting the main source of all this things we desire. A fulfilled life his only made possible through Christ Jesus.

We are pretty young but I have come to understand that time is not on our side. Now is the time to make the best decisions so our generation will call us blessed in future. Thank for taking out time to read this post. I hope you this added something good to you today.
Lastly I want to apologise for not being consistent on this platform. For some reason I have not been posting but I have resumed fully. Thanks.

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