We Can Forget All Our Stress & Problems For A Little While

Continue From "Reality Is Different From Dreams........" (last month)

When I arrived to yangon, my girlfriend send all my employments document to me through carrier service to her cousin.
So I collected from her and brought air ticket to Singapore.

At the time, we did not have hand phone like today and once you want to meet someone, need to go their place and wait until we meet each other. Because of this, I need to wait my friend at the one restaurant from the whole evening until night and did not show up. I only can made a call the next day to him and catch up with him, what’s going on for the day.

My late uncle was with me all the time and eyes on me for everything. He wanted me to take taxi, whenever I go, because he feel too dangerous for me to take public transport. It was too pack and need to hang at the outside at the pick-up truck. He don’t want me to happen anything before I fly to Singapore.

But as for me, I am young and strong everything I can do as other people did. As well as the taxi fees and bus fare was totally different. As He know that my character, I will not take taxi and he always follow me to bus stop and ask me to take the pick-up cabin to go for any trip. I took in front of him to the shot trip and when I came back, I took the ferry from the back like other people.

I did remember one thing for my life was, I had borrow 3 step folding umbrella from my cousin and went to meet my girlfriend’s cousin, I had caught in rain while coming back from them. At the time I need to re- tighten Myanmar lonchi and grip umbrella with my head and shoulder, the umbrella rib was poke into my ear and get bleeding. It was so painful and worry for my ear and quickly come back to home and shown my aunty.

She checked my ear with touch light and told me that just the skin tare inside my ear. My ear drum was nothing happen and she put some medication oil into my ear. I feel much better on the next day and get going for all my preparing for my journey to Singapore. I remember that me and my aunty go and buy dry fishes from Thri minglar Market and packed for me.

On the day when I need to fly to Singapore, we meet with my girlfriend’s cousin at the Myanmar airport and took some stuffs for my girlfriend from them and prepare to departed into immigration counter and boarding gate. Before boarding gate, one officer ask me where I am going and what reason to go Singapore? And he continue with their life style in Myanmar and share with me how they straggle. He ask me how much Singapore dollars I carry for now and ask from me some tip for letting me to go through to boarding gate.

I don’t want to get any trouble and give two dollars to him. But he said not enough for their duty officers to share. So I told him it only that I can effort and I need taxi fare for when I arrive Singapore. He sadly let me go and I settle down at boarding gate. . After I took my flight and came back to Singapore.

When I arrived to Changi airport, my girlfriend was waiting for me and bring me to their house to settle down for the day and we have long chat for what happen at Myanmar while I am there .

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)

Photos credit: Google Image

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