Sometime Difficult To Change....

Continue From "Sometime We Forget Our Heart....."

We all are different in life and fighting for ourselves. We should not step on each other for our own purpose to get to survive. In our life people back stab on us or we try to do other to survive. We have to prepare ourselves to change our mind to see from other side of view and get ready to move on. Sometime our mind-set have full of jealously and hate to other person.

Because some people are better than us or some are not, yet they have better pay or favour from our own view. Actually we should not compare in this way with other person. As my past post, (“Everyone Deserves Better”) we should only compare to our own self to improve day by day. But to do thing is not easy as what we say.

But as part of human nature, we used to compare with other. For example, me and my other friend we join the company at the same time and we work together. One day we happen to talk about our pay and I found out that I was under paid and he was much more salary than I did. At first I was so angry and continuously I start to compare with him.

Everything I become compare with him and I feel like he should take more responsible than me, for the job task. But unfortunately every job is always come to my shoulder. And also he was very smart and I always get arrow from my boss. Day by day and job by job, I become lost my patient and I start to hate my friend.

This my friend was very smart and very good in speaking to other people. I always cannot find to get back stab him. He was to smart and also he always talk about good thing about other people and try to push all his job to other people, not only me. I still remember one of my other college told me one word to me about him.

It was, “hay my friend, we need to hunt the meat to get” but for him “he will talk to the animals and animals will go to him”. As we hunt, we need to do our best to get the meal, as for him when the animals goes to him he will ask the animals to suicide themselves for him. We cannot compare his skill and we just need to wait what happen next.

But in my heart I was really jealous and finding the way out. And one day I heard from sermon from one of the greatest preacher preached from audio service, it was really touching my heart. His philosophy was exactly the same with what I am happening.

His story was, “if one of your friend at your work was getting paid more than you, (for example S$500) you will start to get un-happy and start to hate him. So, if you have chance to talk to the boss to increase your salary to get like your friend salary amount. Let say boss agree with you and increase your salary S$500.

But the boss also increase your friend’s salary for another S$500. If you know this you will be still continue to hate your friend and now the boss also. The boss gives you what you asked for but the generous of the boss is same, our mind-set is like to compare with other and end up we will blame to other.

If we compare with other people in life it won’t end and only increase our blood pressure and faster die before our age limit.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)

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