My Slow Grind to 100 Followers

It's taken a while but I've recently passed the 100 follower threshold. I liken this point in my Steemit "career" to receiving the first stripe on my white belt in Jiu Jitsu. I'm still gathering my bearings and am humbled to watch people jump on the platform and absolutely kill it right out of the gate. @paolajane comes to mind.


A few things I've learned so far are the following:

  1. Post about what I'm most interested in. At times I've found that difficult not because I lack particular interests but because this is the first time I've ever really put pen to paper about them.

  2. Be consistent. Like anything in life that's worth accomplishing, showing up is 90% of the equation, the rest tends to work itself out.

  3. Don't compare what I post to what others do. There are some super talented and incredibly articulate cats on here and me comparing my content to theirs is a losing battle. @perceptualflaws and @tremendospercy come to mind.

  4. Stop trying to get "it" perfect. I've got a dozen half written posts that I keep coming back to to perfect and touch up and yet none of them are complete yet. Do your best and forget the rest. (I'm talking to myself here. )

  5. Don't pay attention to how much a post earns. It really doesn't matter at the end of the day... and what can you do about it anyways. Stay the course and continue to do what you do.

Moving forward my 2 commitments are to post on a weekly basis and to create content that I believe will truly provide value to others.

Below are some peeps that I've found inspiring or just cool that have had some sort of an impact on me on Steemit.

@evecab Filandia




@jiujitsu The Ambassador

@jomoncas The Artist

@paolajane Killing It



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